A customisable trellis-style fence balancing style and privacy

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19 September 2022


4 min read

The Euro Slat fence was developed to fill a certain gap in the marketplace: a private, functional fence that would suit both older and more contemporary homes.

In every home, there are always some features that are there singularly for aesthetic purposes, (like artwork and houseplants) and some that are purely functional, (like hot water cylinders). But most items found in a home usually fit into a spectrum between these two extremes, with some falling squarely in the middle.

An argument can be made that outdoor fencing, whether it’s a boundary fence, balustrade or pool fence, is part of this ‘half and half’ category. While fencing performs very specific functions, they are also very visible while doing so – so for those homeowners who want their outdoor area to keep to a certain look, it’s important that they look the part, too.

It was with this balance in mind that Provista Balustrade Systems developed its Euro Slat screening fence. Euro Slat is an innovative privacy screen system developed in response to demand for a better alternative to low security, wooden trellis style screens. It was also designed to suit multiple different design disciplines – converging both form and function into a single offering.

Noel Priestley, general manager for Provista Balustrade Systems, says it was developed to fill a certain gap in the marketplace: a private, functional fence that would suit both older and more contemporary homes and cover the requirement for both deck balustrades and pool or landscape fencing.

“It acts as a nice screen from neighbouring properties, while integrating with existing balustrades” says Noel. “For example, if a home has existing glass balustrades in front of its pool, but the neighbours can still see into it from the sides, the Euro Slat can offer privacy while matching and complementing the balustrades.”

A plethora of purposes

Made for versatility, the fencing solution can be used as a privacy screen for decks and pools, and can run along driveway perimeters and gardens. It’s particularly beneficial in higher density, urban areas, Noel says, where outdoor areas are limited in space and are often in close proximity to neighbours.

“With the rise in popularity of multi-unit developments and townhouses especially, where there are small yards or balconies – this is the kind of solution that works well,” he says. “Some may be on busy main roads, with little privacy from onlookers from the street – in this case the Euro Slat fencing can offer both privacy and a respite from the noises of the street, too.”

Produced from high-tensile T6 grade aluminium extrusions, it comes in a standard rectangular profile – but this doesn’t mean it can’t be customised. Sizes of screen panels and gaps between slats can be fabricated to suit the required design, slats can be horizontal or vertical and completed panels are held within the rebates of Provista’s robust semi-frameless post profiles.

Ideal for urban developments

This essentially means a balustrade or pool fence can comprise a combination of semi-frameless glass and Euro Slat, tailored to a specific desired look. Euro Slat has been utilised to great effect in recent townhouse developments in Sunnyvale and Massey in Auckland.

The Euro Slat balustrade offered residents both privacy and a safe deck barrier, and featured a darker powder coat finish in keeping with the joinery and other structural elements, Noel says.

“It was also important to provide a solution that would not only suit the surroundings but comply with the Council’s requirements,” he says. “Some of the apartments face the street, and it was required that these ones had attractive balustrades that were in keeping with the style of building and complemented the colouring of the joinery and facades.”

At the streetfront, where it’s most visible, Noel says the Euro Slat really shines.

“We’ve had great feedback on the installation of the Euro Slat in this development,” says Noel. “And the results speak for themselves!”

Learn more about Provista Balustrades and its Euro Slat fencing solution.