Oversize and bespoke: the doors taking the industry by storm

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27 March 2023


4 min read

Particularly huge doors can act as a standout feature or a statement piece in an architecturally-designed home, and meticulously customised doors are a great asset to discerning architects and homeowners.

In every industry, there are companies that are pioneers by nature; they have a history of breaking new ground, innovating their offering and moving the industry forward.

Whether in the form of new technologies, sustainable initiatives or imaginative new business practices, companies that innovate often find themselves in a position of leadership in their sector, paving the way for others to follow.

In more ways than one, Superior Doors fits this description. A family-owned business since its inception in 1992, it was the first door company in New Zealand to offer polystyrene cores as a standard and was also the first to manufacture doors with steel inserts.

The accolades don’t stop there. Superior Doors is also a specialist in manufacturing oversize and other highly customisable doors – and according to the company’s general manager Aaron Davidson, no door is too large or bespoke to make.

“It’s been part of our DNA since the beginning,” says Aaron. “Oversize doors are definitely trending right now, but it’s something we’ve done forever. It can be traced back to my parents when they started the company – they would never refuse an order no matter how custom.

“This attitude has remained for the last 30 years, and it’s why we have the expertise to provide highly technical architectural doors.”

Oversize and original

In many meticulously-designed homes in Aotearoa, it’s common to have a single feature in a room that acts as a standout, drawing the eye and making a statement. This can manifest as an ostentatious chandelier in an entranceway, an elegant wooden table in the dining room, or a grand tub in the bathroom.

Oversize doors can make a similar impact, Aaron says. “Sometimes you’re looking for something in a room that really makes a statement – and sometimes size is the answer. A huge door can be a massive statement.”

Superior Doors gets multiple orders for large doors every week, and each one is utilised differently. “It’s exciting to see what people do with them – there are a tonne of different things to do – it’s all up to the architect’s imagination.

“Most of the time, though, they’re used to divide rooms,” says Aaron. “This is especially useful in large open spaces – large recessed doors, for example, can help partition a large room into a smaller one when needed, and can easily open up again to revert back.”

The largest door Superior Doors has ever made – and its largest on offer – is approximately 4m x 2.5m. This is an especially massive product, and is suitable only for the biggest residential spaces, as well as some commercial spaces. Of course, if this size is too big, customers can go down the custom route.

Demand for oversize doors continues to grow since seeing an explosion in interest about a decade ago.

A bespoke offering

“If you’re after a more human-scale door inside the realm of mortals, but need it to fit the exact proportions of the space it’s in, then our special doors are perfect,” says Aaron. “These are doors that aren’t stock size, but simultaneously not so big that they can be categorised as oversize.”

Superior Doors caters to different sizes and material compositions with its custom or ‘special’ doors. For this reason, they’re regularly specified in architectural plans of high-end residential and commercial projects, where exact measurements and discerning materials are common requirements.

And, Aaron says, the demand for oversize or otherwise special doors continues to grow since seeing an explosion in interest about a decade ago.

“We’ve always done huge and custom doors, but it’s definitely gathering pace,” he says. “Ten years ago, we might have done a handful a week. Now we’re booked out for six weeks – which is a lead time we’re not used to, but the demand is just that high.

“The market is very much telling us that bigger, custom doors are in.”

Learn more about Superior Doors and its offerings and services.