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This beautiful home in Wellington is currently on the shortlist for an NZIA Wellington Architecture Award, and it's no wonder why. Designed with sustainability and energy efficiency in mind, the homeowners chose Formance SIPs to create a high-performance building envelope that allowed them to achieve their goals while enjoying the benefits of a comfortable and healthy living space.

Superior thermal performance

Homeowner Hannah says, “The house performs very well thermally.  For heating we have a single heat pump unit in the dining room which we typically only use early in the morning or when there have been a number of days in a row without sun.  On sunny winter days, the doors and windows are certainly open, it is a warm home. Recently the addition of solar panels has made the home even more efficient.”

Featuring SIPs in their natural state

The homeowners chose to feature raw OSB while using the two-tone effect with white to complement and feature the SIPs, while also making the spaces feel larger. Lighting in the home faces upward on the OSB to feature the SIP ceiling and give a sense of the home being spacious. This design choice highlights the beauty and structural integrity of the Formance SIPs, adding a unique touch to the interior.

Making use of roof space

In addition to its energy efficiency and unique design features, this home also incorporates a multipurpose space/hidden home office in the top of the ceiling. By making use of the ceiling space, the homeowners were able to maximize the functionality of the home while minimizing its environmental impact.

Formance SIPs used: R4.3 (165mm) Formance SIP Wall Panels, R5.7 (215mm) Formance SIP Roof Panels

Builder: Heyhoe Builders

Architect: Pico Studio Architects

Location: Wellington

Media/Photos Credits: Pico Studio Architects

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Flock House

Professionals used in
Flock House

About the

It’s no secret many New Zealanders live in cold, damp homes. Mould, leaks, and draughts damage health, and 1,600 New Zealanders die every year as a direct result of living in unhealthy, poorly insulated homes. And sadly, it’s not only old houses that cause problems. The reality is that new homes built to current building code are also inadequate because New Zealand’s building standards lag far behind the rest of the developed world.

Traditional methods of construction have cold thermal bridges in the building envelope through their timber framing, and for insulation they only just meet the minimum requirements. They’re also heavily reliant on the installer doing it right and as they slump over time they lose their effectiveness.

Formance Structural Insulated Panels, or SIPs are a high-performing building material for the ultimate energy efficient home. Replacing the timber framing building envelope with Formance panels provides continuous insulation with near zero air leakage, creating a consistently warmer, drier and healthier indoor environment for the long term.

If you’re the kind of person who loves wearing shorts and a t-shirt around home regardless of the season then take a look at upgrading your building envelope to Formance. You will kiss goodbye to high power bills and enjoy four seasons of summer every year.

To learn more about energy efficient comfortable living, visit the Formance website, or contact us!