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Queenstown 2019

In response to Mitchell Mackersy’s values, the brief for the interior of this legal practise was authenticity and honesty. We chose materials that had their own warmth and character and put them together in a way that created a real clarity and level of professionalism. Concrete, stone, wood, wool, linen and leather seemed right. As did a softening of the architecture through furnishings and artworks so that the space became tactile, human, relaxed and interesting. With the Remarkables visible through most spaces, the interior was required to step up and match the might of this Southern Alps range. 

Scope of service; Interior planning in collaboration with base build architects. Finishes, furniture, custom cabinetry and light fittings. 

Photographed by Julian Apse

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Mitchell Mackersy Law

About the

NW Studio is an interior architecture and design practice based in Arrowtown, New Zealand. We have a portfolio of projects ranging from hospitality, hotels and workplaces to select residential and temporary installation work. We are enthusiastic hikers, skiers, yoga practitioners, cooks and gardeners - proudly occupying a heritage-listed cottage in the deep south.