Nelson Passive Home banner

Homeowners Allan & Val felt it was their time to move out of Auckland, so they scoped out a site situated in the suburb of Richmond, Nelson - with a spectacular view out to the sea.

In their decision to build, and coming from an old californian bungalow, Allan and Val looked at other ways to build due to being unsatisfied with the current building standards and experience with cold, drafty homes.

After much research and attendance at several seminars, they settled on building with Formance Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs). Now, they're in awe at the performance of their new home. Here are just a few of the things they're loving:

  • They don't even need to turn the towel rails on in the Bathroom - as the home is already warm enough year-round, and the towels just dry on their own anyway!
  • Their home never got any colder than 19 degrees Celcius in Winter, even when the nights were around 7-9 degrees outside.
  • Every room has a consistent temperature & and it just feels lovely to live in

Watch Allan & Val's testimonial for more on how much they love their home.

Consistent Temperature from room to room.

A Formance Energy Efficient Home means that there's no such thing as walking down the other end of the house and it's colder. The temperature is constant, consistent and just a comfortable living environment.

A stunning, modern kitchen

Some kitchen design inspiration here - A fresh-look kitchen, with a wooden bench & matching barstools, tying in with the flooring.

What do Formance Panels do in terms of energy-efficiency?

Making the change from sticks to SIPs alone can see your energy use to at least half. We've done thermal modeling on spaces and come back with results that using Formance on your home can dramatically reduce your power bill. Most homeowners say they're paying at least half of what their old home's powerbill was.

Formance SIPs used: Walls R4.3 (165mm), Roof R5.7 (215mm)

Architect: Continuum Architects

Builder: Tasman Homes

Location : Nelson

Media/Photos Credits: Formance

Get in touch
Formance SIPs in action: their New Zealand home in winter was never colder than 19 degrees!
Nelson Passive Home
Nelson Passive Home
Nelson Passive Home
Nelson Passive Home
Nelson Passive Home
Nelson Passive Home

Professionals used in
Nelson Passive Home

About the

It’s no secret many New Zealanders live in cold, damp homes. Mould, leaks, and draughts damage health, and 1,600 New Zealanders die every year as a direct result of living in unhealthy, poorly insulated homes. And sadly, it’s not only old houses that cause problems. The reality is that new homes built to current building code are also inadequate because New Zealand’s building standards lag far behind the rest of the developed world.

Traditional methods of construction have cold thermal bridges in the building envelope through their timber framing, and for insulation they only just meet the minimum requirements. They’re also heavily reliant on the installer doing it right and as they slump over time they lose their effectiveness.

Formance Structural Insulated Panels, or SIPs are a high-performing building material for the ultimate energy efficient home. Replacing the timber framing building envelope with Formance panels provides continuous insulation with near zero air leakage, creating a consistently warmer, drier and healthier indoor environment for the long term.

If you’re the kind of person who loves wearing shorts and a t-shirt around home regardless of the season then take a look at upgrading your building envelope to Formance. You will kiss goodbye to high power bills and enjoy four seasons of summer every year.

To learn more about energy efficient comfortable living, visit the Formance website, or contact us!