Limestone interiors. Bringing the earth inside.

07 April 2024


2 min read


Limestone interiors. Bringing the earth inside.

When discussing limestone, our minds often drift to its use in exterior cladding. However, Oamaru Stone offers versatile possibilities for interior design that might not have crossed our minds. It can be integrated into various aspects of your home's interior, adding a touch of natural elegance.

From staircases to entranceways, and from balustrades to feature walls, limestone's gentle matte texture and neutral hues impart an earthy yet luxurious ambiance. It exudes warmth and tranquility, reminiscent of nature's own embrace.

Limestone proves to be a cost-effective alternative to marble while maintaining a luxurious appeal. It serves excellently as durable and visually striking flooring, particularly suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. Whether in large slabs evoking Tuscan villas or smaller tiles adding texture, limestone offers a range of natural colour variations from light grey to ivory white. Additionally, its natural resistance to mold and bacteria, coupled with easy maintenance, makes it a practical choice.

As homeowners increasingly seek natural and sustainable materials, limestone countertops and basins are gaining popularity. These fixtures infuse a bathroom with an organic, earthy charm. However, it's essential to ensure proper sealing during installation due to limestone's porous nature.

In the kitchen, Oamaru Stone finds its place in benchtops, islands, and splashbacks. Its versatility allows for various shapes and sizes, and modern cutting tools enable the creation of thin tiles that mimic solid stone at a lower cost and weight.

Of course, limestone's most common interior application is in fireplace surrounds, where its inherent warmth shines through. Whether your style is modern, classical, ornate, or streamlined, there's a limestone fireplace to match any interior design.

To embrace the earthy allure of renewable and sustainable Oamaru Stone in your living space, contact Dustin today on 03 433 1134 and make it the focal point of your home's interior.