



Having fast, efficient and accessible IT support is crucial to our business - if there is ever an issue we need resolved, Stratus are immediately on the job, meaning our staff are able to be back to work quickly, maintaining productivity. During lockdown, we went from 5 offices to over 70 home office set-ups. The Stratus team were instrumental in enabling our staff to access company servers so we barely missed a beat. We have found Stratus to be consistently helpful, competent and friendly. 

Jeni Dickson, Studio Assistant 

We have been with Stratus for a while now and have received responsive, knowledgeable and helpful IT services to support our design office. We selected Stratus with there in-depth knowledge of Autodesk and Microsoft systems. Their staff are available at all times to solve IT issues that arise and continuously monitor the IT system. I would be more than happy to recommend Stratus as an outstanding IT service provider. 

Lorenzo Canal, Managing Director