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A holiday home designed for easy living by Rosetta Stone Arkitektur. These clients came to us with a well thought out floor plan and ideas set in stone which made working with them very satisfying. This home included an in-situ concrete wall which presented us with our first opportunity to perfect this art. There is no room for errors when pouring a wall of this type so we were thrilled with the outcome of this feature wall when the formwork was taken away.

Entertaining is often a big part of holidays and this home is set up perfectly for just that. A large open plan internally sheltered deck area with views straight through the house capturing the stunning vistas of Lake Taupo is set up to be enjoyed all year round. Natural light is in abundance with large stacker doors on almost every wall of the home, a set up that ensures the home captures the heat in winter and provides airflow in the heat of the summer.  

Completion Date:  May 2016

Build Duration:  7 Months

Designer:  Rosetta Stone

Beck Building
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Beck Building is an excellent team of experienced and passionate builders, including two owner operators. We pride ourselves on treating each project as our own build.

Providing competitive pricing systems like fixed contract and cost plus which are honest and transparent. Our skilled team is dedicated to producing homes of the highest standard.

We take a holistic approach to the whole building process and encourage sound environmental practices. These range from utilising passive solar design and energy efficiency to encouraging sustainable materials. We also aim to reduce site impact and recycle material waste during construction.