
Over the years opportunities to link the Hamilton CBD with the Waikato River have come and gone without the establishment of any significant connections.  This project presented a fresh opportunity to create meaningful visual and physical connections with one of our cities best natural assets. At a macro level the design seeks to establish a park that serves two functions.  Firstly, as a destination where people can pause, interact and enjoy river views.  Secondly as a device that links the disparate levels of the lower river path, upper promenade and main street. 

"This riverine park is a compelling new connection between Hamilton’s city centre and its great, although often ignored, feature: the Waikato River. The amphitheatre park mixes meticulously detailed urban elements – a refined material palette and complementary planting – with stepped gardens, terraces and wide boardwalks that are universally accessible so that all may enjoy the setting. The overall effect is of peace and calm, although there is no doubt the environment could easily scale up from lunching workers to larger crowds enjoying a riverside event."

- NZIA Waikato / Bay of Plenty Jury

Photographer - Simon Wilson

Edwards White Architects
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Victoria On The River

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Edwards White is an established, design-led studio based in Hamilton and Tauranga.