A Simple Guide to Smart Waste Management

Written by

Hideaway Bins

08 December 2021


2 min read

Smart design can play a huge part in enabling better waste behaviours in the home.

As a country, we are one of the highest waste generating nations per capita in the world. We also send a high proportion of waste to landfill, and our recycling rate is low compared to most developed countries. New Zealand’s recycling rate is somewhere between 28 and 43%, whereas other countries like Germany and South Korea have recycling rates up-to 63%.

In residential buildings, the majority of household waste passes through the kitchen. In commercial offices, a large amount of waste also passes through the staff kitchen. It is critical to have good interior design that will enable good end-user behaviours. A good waste management system will be convenient and easy to use for the end user. This has the potential to increase recycling and reduce waste going to landfill.

To take the guess work out of designing the right waste management solution into your next project, Hideaway Bins, the NZ designers and manufacturers of innovative hidden storage solutions, have developed a Waste Management Guide. It includes a guide to selecting the correct size and number of waste buckets, and where to best place them within an interior project. 

To view and download the Waste Management Guide, visit the Hideaway Bins website click the link below:

Waste Management Guide