Does Your Warehouse Need Sprinkler?

Written by

The Designfire

26 October 2023


2 min read

If it doesn't store combustible materials like fuels or plastics, has stud heights under 8m, spans less than 4200m2, and only has small intermediate floors, you might not need them! However, if unsure, there are two paths: installing sprinklers or conducting a detailed fire engineering analysis to see removing the sprinkler requirement a possibility. Unsure which route to take?

Understanding Warehouse Fire Safety
For many warehouse operators, the question of whether or not to install sprinklers is paramount for ensuring the safety and protection of their goods and assets. Sprinkler systems, commonly associated with fire protection in large buildings and commercial spaces, are particularly crucial in environments with elevated fire risks. However, not every warehouse may need them. Depending on situation, it sometimes does not provide more life safety benefits to install sprinklers due to types of materials stored. 

Criteria for Sprinkler-Free Warehouses
To simplify the decision-making process, certain criteria can guide warehouse owners and managers. A warehouse is less likely to need a sprinkler system if it:

  • Does not store highly combustible materials such as fuels and plastics.
  • Has stud heights less than 8m.
  • Spans an area less than 4200m2.
  • Contains only small intermediate floors. If your warehouse checks all these boxes, you might be in the clear.

Navigating Exception Cases
However, what if your warehouse doesn't fit neatly into the above criteria? When a warehouse exceeds any of these guidelines, there are two primary routes to consider: the installation of a sprinkler system or an in-depth fire safety engineering analysis. This safety analysis can either be a gap analysis, which identifies areas that don't meet safety standards, or a more detailed computer modelling analysis that simulates potential fire scenarios justifying the building is safe in case of emergency.

Reaching Out for Expert Guidance
For those unsure about which route to take, it's always best to seek expert advice. THE DESIGNFIRE team, with their vast experience in warehouse safety, stands ready to guide businesses through this decision-making process. Whether it's installing a state-of-the-art sprinkler system or conducting a thorough safety analysis, ensuring your warehouse is adequately protected is of utmost importance.