9 of the best hedge plants for gardens in New Zealand

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06 February 2024


15 min read

The Michelia Figo (Port Wine Magnolia).
The Michelia Figo (Port Wine Magnolia).
New Zealanders take great pride in their gardens and the backbone of any good garden are its hedges. Hedges are a natural and attractive way to provide a border around your home, shelter from the elements and privacy for your outdoor spaces. However, with so many to choose from you want to be sure you have all the facts you need to ensure you pick the best hedge plants for your home.
This Corokia 'Frosted Chocolate' hedge turns to chocolate-bronze in winter and is a popular choice for hedging in New Zealand.
This Buxus hybrid 'Green Gem' is a great choice for a traditional low box hedge.
The Michelia Figo or Port Wine Magnolia features heavily scented cream flowers, streaked with purple, for an indulgence of the senses.
The Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Jade' is a dense, small-leafed New Zealand native hedge that is fast-growing and ideal for sunny sites.
The Griselinia littoralis 'Ardmore Emerald' has stunning dark green foliage that contrasts beautifully with brighter, fresh growth in the spring.
The iconic Podocarpus Totara 'Ardmore Green' makes a fantastic tall-growing hedge to help create the New Zealand look in a garden.
The Camellia Setsugekka with its pure white and slightly scented flowers.
The appropriately named Coprosma 'Hot Chocolate' Mirror Bush — the perfect choice for low border hedges.
With attractive lush, glossy green foliage and red branchlets, the Escallonia 'Red Elf' is a great decorative choice.