Best Trees for Winter Colours

Written by

Easy Big Trees

07 July 2024


4 min read

Winter. That cold period of desolate days, where the frost creeps eerily across the landscape every night and mornings are spent rubbing your hands together, muttering ‘it’s a bit fresh’ while simultaneously admiring how much ‘smoke’ comes out of your mouth.

Winter. That cold period of desolate days, where the frost creeps eerily across the landscape every night and mornings are spent rubbing your hands together, muttering ‘it’s a bit fresh’ while simultaneously admiring how much ‘smoke’ comes out of your mouth.


Yet it doesn’t have to be like this. Because Winter can be a beautiful time for the garden, full of life and colour. Get it right and you could be muttering ‘oh my - would you look at that, how wonderful’... By the way, Winter is the best season for planting. With that in mind, we give you our Top 5 Winter Interest Trees. 


Top 5 Winter Interest Trees:


1. VIBURNUM tinus ‘Lucidum’ - Evergreen shrub

2. CAMELLIA ‘Fairy Blush’ - Pink Flowering Camellia

3. GARRYA elliptica ‘James Roof’ - Silk Tassel Tree

4. ILEX altaclerensis ‘Hendersonii’ - Smooth Leaf Holly

5. ACER palmatum ‘Senkaki’ – Coral Bark Maple
