Blum’s Kitchen Test Drive: take your design off the paper

08 June 2022


3 min read

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Even design-savvy clients can struggle with the process of visualising the way a bespoke kitchen design translates from the plan to their home.

They may be keen on a cool concept they’ve seen elsewhere that doesn’t really work with their space. They may be unsure if the layout you’re proposing is right for them. Or they may simply be overwhelmed by the array of options – and how each choice may have a knock-on effect with other aspects of the design.

To help architects and kitchen designers guide their clients to the optimal outcome, Blum can create a full-scale, 3D mock-up of their projects.

Located in Blum’s Auckland and Christchurch showrooms, the Kitchen Test Drive facility is ideal for demonstrating whether elements of the design do or don’t work. It can also help those who are trying to choose between two or more alternatives, and just want to get a feel for what each would be like in real life.

Blum’s Kitchen Test Drive: take your design off the paper

How a Kitchen Test Drive works

The facility is free for designers – all you have to do is book a time with Blum in Christchurch or Auckland. Send through the plans and ask for them to set up a 1:1 mock-up of your project.

Then you can send the client to the Blum showroom – or accompany them for discussion and feedback. A Blum Showroom Consultant will have set up the sink units, cabinetry, appliance units and products, and be on hand to discuss how they work.

If there are two or more options to consider, units can be easily rearranged. They’re mounted on castors and take only minutes to swap out.

It’s a relaxed and intuitive process with complimentary coffee and comfortable break-out areas to sit down and work through plans. The environment is sophisticated but family-friendly – ideal for those who want to bring in children. For example, a large family with teenagers may need a kitchen with several work stations. To see how all the users interact, they can test the design in a life-size simulation (and you can observe their family dynamic play out).

Blum recommends allowing 90 minutes for the process. This allows time to explore the rest of the showroom and get a feel for any box systems, motion technologies or storage ideas that are under consideration.

Blum’s Kitchen Test Drive: take your design off the paper

Next step: Finalise the plan

Many designers find a Kitchen Test Drive is the ideal intermediate stage between concept design and the development of a detailed design with full product specs. The big questions about space, usability and products can be checked and confirmed while leaving wriggle room for upgrades and alternatives.

So if the test drive leads to a dishwasher being relocated, and this affects the size of nearby drawers, there’s no need to re-work the specifications. Simply note the change and only proceed to the final design once all issues have been resolved.

With a Kitchen Test Drive, you can ensure the design truly meets the needs of your client – and minimise the hassles and expenses along the way.

Blum’s Kitchen Test Drive: take your design off the paper

Book a free Kitchen Test Drive here and bring your plans to life with Blum.