Building a Fence

10 March 2022


2 min read


The right kind of fence can really enhance your home, as well as add a bit of street appeal. There are seemingly unlimited options when it comes to the fencing decision. Recently, my brother was tossing around a few ideas for a boundary fence that he needed to complete his subdivision. I gave him a few suggestions, my colleague gave him some other opinions. In the end, he went with something completely different!

Knowing what purpose your fence will serve can help to narrow the choices. If you would like to keep your home framed, but would like to show off your home, a short fence might be good, or one with wide bars. If you need a fence to keep animals within your boundary you might be best to consider a fence with very narrow gaps, so the creatures have no way to escape between posts or pickets. If you have an escape artist dog, a higher fence might be required for these more agile and adventurous dogs adept at jumping. If you are looking for privacy from neighbours or passers-by, solid wall is ideal.

Taking heed of what fencing options have been used in your neighbourhood can help guide your choice too. If there is a common theme, perhaps you would like to go along with that. Or perhaps you’re a trend-bucker: perhaps you’d rather stand out from the crowd and go for something different. There may be restrictions on the kind of fence you are allowed, so it is a good idea to consult, especially if you are in a new subdivision.

A major factor to consider is the home itself. While nothing would please me more than for everyone reading this to buy Ōamaru stone for your fence, if you are building a new home, and need a fence, seek advice from your designer as they might steer you in the right direction. At our quarry we can cut any sized block you require. Our CNC machine can customise your blocks with engraving such as the name of your property, your address, a coat of arms.

Building a Fence
Building a Fence
Building a Fence
Building a Fence