30 September 2021


6 min read

Sustainability - learn more about how we design homes to mitigate risk in bushfire prone areas.
Before and after aerial images of Mount Wilson, near where a backburn started the Grose Valley Fire in December. (Supplied: Geospatial Intelligence)
Before and after aerial images of Mount Wilson, near where a backburn started the Grose Valley Fire in December. (Supplied: Geospatial Intelligence)
The effects of smoke from the Snowy Valley bushfire on the outskirts of Cooma on January 4, 2020. (Photo: Saeed Khan/ AFP via Getty Images)
The effects of smoke from the Snowy Valley bushfire on the outskirts of Cooma on January 4, 2020. (Photo: Saeed Khan/ AFP via Getty Images)
The RFS Blue Mountains West Sector 2020 Graduating crew at the Megalong Valley Show Ground. Source: Facebook
The RFS Blue Mountains West Sector 2020 Graduating crew at the Megalong Valley Show Ground. Source: Facebook
Bodies of water close to the house and minimal vegetation will help reduce risk. (Photo: Nick Bowers)
Bodies of water close to the house and minimal vegetation will help reduce risk. (Photo: Nick Bowers)