What will it cost? The real numbers behind a bedroom renovation

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24 September 2023


11 min read

Thinking about giving your bedroom a new look? Before you get started, it's crucial to estimate the potential cost to renovate your bedroom. From picking a new colour for the walls to changing out the flooring or adding new furniture, the expenses can vary considerably based on your choices and tastes.

In this guide, we'll break down the basics, such as how to set the right budget for your renovation, the key elements involved in a bedroom renovation, and some in-depth steps you can follow to estimate how much your renovation project will cost.

How much does it cost to renovate a bedroom?

The cost to renovate a bedroom can vary widely based on the scope and quality of the renovation. For a basic renovation, you might be looking at spending between $2,000 to $5,000. This would typically include simple updates like fresh paint, new light fixtures, and possibly new flooring. 

A mid-range renovation may set you back between $5,000 to $15,000. This could encompass more extensive work like built-in wardrobes, higher-quality finishes, or updated electrical work. 

For a complete renovation, which might involve structural changes, bespoke joinery, or high-end furnishings and finishes, costs can start from around $15,000 and can go upwards of $30,000 or more, depending on the specific alterations and materials chosen.

The expense involved in renovating a bedroom can vary widely, largely contingent on the project's complexity

Setting a bedroom renovation budget

When you’re starting a bedroom renovation project establishing a clear budget is essential. Doing so not only ensures that you don't overshoot your financial boundaries but also guarantees that the final result aligns with your vision. 

Here are some steps you can take that will help you set a budget: 

Determine your maximum spend: Kick off the process by deciding the overall sum you're prepared to part with. This figure will serve as the backbone of your entire budget.

List out all renovation aspects: Write down every single change you've envisioned for your bedroom. This could range from a fresh lick of paint to swapping out dated fixtures, or investing in a brand-new set of furniture.

Undertake cost research: Dive into online home renovation platforms (such as ArchiPro) or take a stroll through local furniture and homeware stores. This will give you a ballpark figure for each item on your list, helping you gauge potential expenses.

Consider labour costs: If the DIY route isn't for you and you're leaning towards hiring professionals, ensure you account for their charges. It's always a good idea to gather multiple quotes so you have a clear understanding of the going rates.

Cater for unexpected expenses: Even with meticulous planning, unforeseen expenses often rear their head. It could be anything from last-minute design tweaks to hidden issues in the room. To navigate such surprises, set aside 10-15% of your budget.

Make informed financial choices: With your budget finely detailed, you're poised to make choices that both resonate with your design aspirations and respect your financial constraints.

In bedroom renovations, it's common to utilise a consistent material, such as timber, for various fixtures to maintain a cohesive design

How to estimate the cost of renovation for an average size bedroom

Planning a bedroom renovation is both an exciting and challenging task. Breaking down the costs and understanding the components that go into the pricing can make the process smoother. One of the main drivers of these costs is the room's size; generally, the bigger the bedroom, the larger the renovation cost will be. 

To show how these costs can estimated, we've put together a detailed guide to help you navigate the costs using the standard bedroom size in Australia of 3 x 3.2m or 9.6m squared as an illustrative example.


When considering the cost of painting a room, two primary factors come into play: the size of the room and the painting rate per square metre.

Measuring the bedroom 

Begin by accurately measuring the total square metre area of the room. This involves measuring the width and height of each wall and then multiplying these figures. Don’t forget to subtract areas occupied by windows and doors for a more accurate measurement.

Get a rate for the painting

The standard rate for painting an interior space in Australia fluctuates between $15 and $45 per square metre. Various factors can influence this rate, such as the complexity of the job, the quality of the paint, the painter's experience, and any additional decorative elements or special finishes requested. For an average estimation, we can utilise the midpoint of the typical rate, which is $30 per square metre.

Calculating the estimated cost

In our example, the formula for working out painting cost is simply:

Total cost = Size of room x Painting per square metre rate.

Using the square metre measurement of your room, multiply this by the painting rate. For instance, a room with an area of 9.6 square metres would be estimated as follows: 9.6 square metres x $30 = $288, so we know that for a room of this size, with the painting rate set at $30 per square metre, our minimum cost will be $288 to paint the room with one coat of paint.


The formula in this example to determine the cost of new flooring would be:

Total cost = (Size of Room × Material Cost per Square Metre) + (Size of Room × Installation Cost per Square Metre).

When determining the cost of flooring in a room, it's essential to consider both the size of the space and the specific flooring material you desire. Flooring materials in Australia range in price points. At the more affordable end, you can find options that are around $20 per square metre. In contrast, those seeking luxury might opt for high-end flooring materials that can fetch prices as steep as $200 per square metre.

For a room of 9.6 square metres as an example, your material costs can vary significantly based on your choice. Using a budget flooring option priced at $20 per square metre, you'd be looking at a cost of roughly $192. However, if you were to opt for a premium material at $200 per square metre, the cost would rise sharply to around $2,040.

When it comes to professional installation of flooring, costs can be quite diverse based on various factors. Generally, in Australia, the starting rate for installing prefinished flooring is about $30 per square metre. However, if you're opting for more luxurious materials, the installation cost will likely be higher. 

Using the same example, let's consider an average-sized bedroom. If we base the calculation on the $30 per square metre rate, the installation cost for such a room would be $288. So, the total cost for a budget floor, priced at $20 per square metre for the materials and $30 per square metre for installation, will be $492 for an average-sized bedroom.

It's important to note that the figures provided above are general estimates. Prices can fluctuate based on specific regional factors, seasonal demands, material availability, and individual contractor rates.

Selecting the right bedroom flooring is crucial, affecting both the look and feel of the room


For the purposes of this example, the formula we've used to calculate the overall cost of introducing new lighting as a part of our bedroom renovation is as follows:

Total Cost = Cost of Lighting Fixtures + Cost of Labour + Cost of Bulbs. 

When you’re trying to estimate how much it will cost to light a bedroom, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what kind of lighting you need. Do you need light for the whole room, like a main ceiling light? Or do you need light for specific tasks, like reading or writing? Maybe you just want lighting that looks nice or highlights certain areas?

Next, consider how much the light fixtures cost, if you’ll need a professional to install new fixtures, or whether you need to replace some bulbs. Prices for different lights can vary greatly depending on the type of light fixture, brand, type of bulb and wattage, installation costs, electricity rates, and more. 

For basic lighting options like ceiling lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or straightforward bedside lamps, competitive prices are commonly available. You could be looking at a price range between $40 and $200 for each lighting fixture.

On the other end of the spectrum, more luxurious or technologically advanced options like designer chandeliers, bespoke fixtures, or sophisticated lighting systems (e.g., smart lights) carry a heftier price point. For such items, you might be looking at anywhere from $300 up to $2,000 or potentially more per lighting fixture.

For installation, you can expect to pay between $80 - $150 per hour for an electrician's time, while different light bulbs can range in price from approximately $3-$7 for a Halogen bulb, $3-$7 for a CFL bulb, $3-$15 for a Linear fluorescent bulb and between $5 - $25 for each LED bulb.

So, for example, if we know that we need three ceiling lights installed and in this example each ceiling light fixture costs $50 (total cost of $150 for the three light fixtures), we also get a quote from an electrician who informs us that they charge $80 per hour it will take them two hours to install the three lighting fixtures ($160 for labour), and finally we decide we’ll use LED bulbs, priced at $15 per bulb ($45 for the three bulbs). 

To work out the final price all we need to do is add these figures together: $150 + $160 + $45 = $355 for new lighting. 

Bedroom lighting options range from stylish ceiling lights to bedside lamps


Determining the cost of new bedroom furniture involves simply summing up the prices of each item. For example, let's say you're buying a bed frame for $400, a mattress for $600, a nightstand for $100, a dresser for $200, and a wardrobe for $500. This would bring your total to $1800. By listing the furniture items you want and researching their prices, you can easily estimate your expected expenditure.


To determine the total cost of decorating a bedroom, start by itemising all the decorative items you intend to purchase. As an example, if you're considering buying new curtains for $100, a rug for $150, a piece of wall art for $70, a bedding set for $120, and a set of two lamps for $80, you would tally up these individual prices. In this case, your total decor expenditure would come to $520


When undertaking renovations, it's important to allocate additional funds for unforeseen expenses. As highlighted previously, reserving an extra 10-15% of your overall renovation budget can be beneficial in covering any unexpected costs that might arise. Being financially prepared for the unpredictability often associated with renovation projects is never a bad thing.

Estimating your final budget

Coming to a final budget estimate involves summing all the individual costs associated with painting, flooring, lighting, furniture, and decor. Once you've tallied these costs, it's worth adding an additional 10-15% to account for unforeseen contingencies. 

For instance, if the collective costs from all elements  of your renovation came to $4,000 incorporating a 10% contingency would bring the budget to roughly $4,400, while a 15% contingency would increase it to approximately $4,600.

It's always worth keeping aside some funds for unexpected costs in any renovation project

Extra considerations

What’s the extent of the remodel or renovation? A simple refresh vs. complete overhaul costs

Your bedroom renovation's cost largely depends on its scale. A simple update might involve repainting, minor repairs, changing light fixtures, and adding a few new decor items. These changes are affordable and can refresh a room without a big spend. However, if you're thinking of a complete makeover, it could mean structural changes, new floors, wall changes, major electrical and plumbing work, and high-end fixtures. This type of renovation will obviously be more expensive. 

Material choices: cost differences between standard and premium options

When renovating, it's important to keep in mind the cost differences between standard and premium options. Standard options are generally more affordable and practical if you want to manage your budget effectively. However, if you're aiming for a more refined and unique finish and are willing to invest more, premium options are the way to go. 

Regardless of the specific items or areas of your renovation, being mindful of these cost differences in all aspects, from fixtures to finishes, will help in creating a balanced budget that aligns with your vision and financial constraints.

Labour costs: hiring professionals vs. DIY savings

Labour costs can make or break your bedroom renovation budget. Hiring skilled professionals guarantees that the job gets done right and on time, and it often comes with warranties. This added assurance, however, does bump up the budget. On the flip side, rolling up your sleeves and doing some tasks yourself can save money. 

Simple tasks like painting and installing shelves are typically manageable for most. However, for jobs like electrical work, it’s typically worth bringing in a pro to ensure safety and compliance with local regulations. 

ROI: Understanding the financial benefits of renovating a bedroom

Calculating the return on investment (ROI) for bedroom renovations means looking at how much value and comfort are added to your home. Small changes and smart upgrades can really boost your property’s overall value. Introducing modern styles, using space wisely, and picking top-quality fixtures can make your bedroom more attractive and comfortable, giving you an edge if you decide to sell. So, renovating a bedroom is about more than just looks; it’s making thoughtful choices that improve your life and can pay off financially if you sell your home.

Wrapping it up

Renovating a bedroom can be a challenge, and every decision impacts the cost. Try and ensure you review every detail—lighting, painting, flooring—and align them with your budget. A clear vision of your design can prevent overspending. Don't forget to set aside a little extra for unexpected expenses; it can make the renovation process smoother. No matter the budget, thoughtful planning can transform your bedroom into a comfortable, stylish space.