Entering the world of Georgia Ezra

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26 October 2022


5 min read

Mother, designer, businesswomen and author – Georgia Ezra is an unstoppable force of nature.

Georgia Ezra is a busy woman who wears many hats. She is the principal designer and director of design business, Studio Ezra, the owner and designer of homewares brand AHW Georgia Ezra, and the director of Tiles of Ezra. She has also written an e-book, A Healthy Home, A Healthy You, and hosts a podcast, Step Up Your Home.

The entrepreneur had a passion for spatial design from a young age and remembers rearranging her bedroom furniture often, intrigued by the way the look and feel of a room could completely change with just a shuffle around. “After year 12 I was very clear on what I wanted to do. I was intrigued by interiors and passionate about spaces, but I wanted to move walls and form rooms, rather than just decorate,” says Georgia. “The Bachelor of Interior Architecture degree at University of NSW was a clear choice for me.”

Finding her feet

Georgia graduated with honours in 2009, taking a position at an architectural firm where she remained for two years. In 2012, Studio Ezra was formed and quickly followed by Tiles of Ezra in 2014. “I was young but very eager, worked tirelessly and always held on to the belief that if there was anything I didn’t know, I could learn it,” says Georgia of striking out on her own. “I think being so young and a little naïve allowed me to avoid the feeling of fear associated with starting a business. I look back on this as a true advantage at that time.”

Lumiere Lodge by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Dearna Bond
Lumiere Lodge by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Dearna Bond

Studio Ezra

Studio Ezra was soon established as a power player in the field of design, an achievement Georgia says was possible only by remaining true to her own style. “This is probably the greatest priority for me when it comes to design: being inspired but coming back to my truth when I make decisions, not being pulled by trends or what others are doing,” says Georgia. “I focus immensely on experiential design and the way a space will feel through forms of materiality, lighting, shadows, texture and sound.”

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UPG Studio by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Amelia Stanwix
UPG Studio by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Amelia Stanwix

Tiles of Ezra

Meanwhile, her second business, Tiles of Ezra, faced an initial challenge of educating clients and tilers in the beauty of handmade Moroccan tiles, as there were no other companies importing similar products. “I built both businesses from the ground up and had no external investments,” says Georgia. “We really paved the way for such gorgeous handmade products in the tile industry, and I feel proud to have been a part of this change.”

The Repose by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Abbie Melle
The Repose by Tiles of Ezra | Photography by Abbie Melle

Writing her book

In 2020, Georgia published an e-book all about living a happier, healthier life, a project that was inspired by her personal experience living in a home that wasn't conducive to healthy living. “I was so negatively affected by one particular apartment we lived in that once we moved out our life, health, happiness and opportunities changed drasticallyfor the better.” says Georgia. The experience drove her to investigate the impact of space and environment on mind, mood, health and life through the lens of psychology, Feng Shui and structural cleanliness. “I felt compelled to write about it in length, which developed into a book that I self published,” says Georgia.

At Home With Georgia Ezra

By 2021, Georgia had made her first foray into the world of homeware design by launching At Home With (AHW) Georgia Ezra, a passion project that allowed her to explore the world of handmade design while engaging with, and supporting, artisan communities. “AHW Georgia Ezra allows me to get my heart beating and my hands dirty with designing," says Georgia. "I’m able to create unique and beautiful products to share with so many people, and it’s one of my proudest achievements.”

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The podcast

Georgia’s podcast is for anyone who loves their home and is interested in any and all topics related to it, she says. The series sees Georgia speak with inspiring women about concepts of home, and leading experts from the health and wellbeing industries. “I enjoy talking to people, learning about topics and sharing that with others,” she says. “I wanted to provide others with a fun and interesting resource with insight into creating a healthier home.”

The last word

Despite her success, depth of knowledge and design prowess, Georgia says the most fulfilling aspects of her career are the collaborative relationships she has with artisans, staff and clients, and being able to give back to those she works with. “This year, through the Tiles of Ezra Foundation, we paid for the schooling of 42 families we employ in Morocco, and we will continue to allocate resources to causes like this that are important to us,” says Georgia, whose advice for attaining success and realising your dreams is simple. “Trust in timing and trust your gutalways!”

Shop the Tiles of Ezra range on ArchiPro.