Every Home Can Leak

06 April 2022


2 min read


Most people understand that a crack in your cladding can lead to water ingress. Not many
homeowners understand that the real places that lead to serious leak and damage issues are the junction points. This is where exterior cladding meets other different components. Eg: where the cladding meets windows, where it meets roofing, where it meets balconies, ground surfaces or other claddings. These are called “cladding to other junctions” the next series of blogs will deal with the different “cladding to other junctions” that leak on ANY home not just plaster.

These are where the cladding stops and the facia and gutter start. For decades the badly
regulated building boom allowed these areas to be seriously inadequately installed. The roof and its lead or flashing just stopped and the gutter/facia started. As all our staff at SoundHomes understands “think like water” if one product stops and another starts without correct drainage and water management (ie: directing the water away from a weak point) it will ALWAYS leak.

Every Home Can Leak
Every Home Can Leak

90% of the homes we work on, even just a simple paint job do not have any protection at these junctions. So we have developed a very successful retro installation of a purpose-made “Diverter Flashing” at these points, (often also called a “kick-out” flashing ) because that is what it is designed to do… “ kick-out the water away from the exposed and vulnerable junction into the gutter where it is then drained away.

Every Home Can Leak
Every Home Can Leak

Have a look on your home and check if you have these flashings installed at your lower roof
junctions, if not you may very likely have a leaking issue within the structure beneath the point,
possibly rotten and degrading timber.

Every Home Can Leak

If you can’t find these flashings on your home, give us a call for a free no obligation quote on
0800662239 or fill out the enquiry form online at www.soundhomesnz.co.nz.