FibreGuard: Life gets messy

25 January 2022


7 min read

In home furnishings two things are guaranteed; it will fade, and it will get dirty.

With this fact in mind our experts advise customers to first consider the UV resistance and cleanability of a fabric, before falling in love with the look and feel.

FibreGuard’s high-performance attributes, usually reserved for commercial spaces, are now readily available for residential environments. Washability and cleanability are central to modern living, maintenance needs to be quick, easy and affordable. Additionally, being Oeko-tex 100 certified, we are confident that it is safe for your family, pets, and the environment.

Furnishing your home with specialist stain-resistant fabrics doesn’t mean you need to turn the house upside down looking for a specific product or engage an expensive professional cleaner to remedy every spill. In fact, it means the opposite because with FibreGuard you can spend five, stress-free minutes cleaning it yourself with misted water. Unlike topical stain repellent treatments, FibreGuard offers inherent protection, so fabrics can be spot cleaned as many times as you can splash spaghetti bolognese or smudge your lipstick.

FibreGuard is inherent in the fabric, it is applied to the yarns before they are woven and capable of withstanding 50 commercial cleans. Unlike FibreGuard, aftermarket topical treatments are sprayed onto the fabric surface and act as an adhesive for the stain to stick to. Inherent stain protection allows you to relax when you share your home with friends and family. There is no need to fear your dinner guests and when someone having a little too much fun (inevitably) spills something, you won’t need to pretend it’s all right, it really will be.

Our trusted North Island Sales Manager, Robert Street, has experienced his fair share of soirees. When a spill occurs on FibreGuard “you nip to the kitchen and grab a roll of paper towels and a plate. Tear off a handful of paper towels to soak up the spill, then you lift the plate into the air and drop the paper towels onto it, because you don’t want to stain the floor. Keep repeating that until it’s gone, and it really is okay.” Take it from the expert - “you can get almost anything out with paper towels and adrenaline.”

The way we use our homes has changed dramatically, especially in recent decades. Not only are our homes open plan, but they have also become cross-functional as we dine, lounge, work, play and exercise in every space. We are putting more pressure on our furnishings than ever before. Even the heat generated when charging your device can damage furnishing fabrics, but as the way we live changes we expect our fabrics to wear harder and longer too.

FibreGuard surpasses these expectations because it is more than stain-resistant, easy-clean, and anti-microbial. It is more than practical; it is beautiful in appearance and feeling. In developing fabrics armed with the protection of commercial attributes and aesthetic appeal for luxury residential living, FibreGuard have met the needs of our modern lifestyles.

FibreGuard fabrics have been tested and re-tested to ensure they satisfy busy lives and high expectations. They are perfect for the family room, a space to be shared and enjoyed with pets and grandchildren. Our easy-clean, low-maintenance, beautiful fabrics are the perfect setting for visiting (or resident) little people to make a mess and be happy, there’s no need to be upset about grubby feet and sticky hands on your sofa, new or otherwise, because FibreGuard is designed to let you live in the moment.

So, who is FibreGuard suitable for? According to Robert Street, “If you live alone and never want to see anyone, then you don’t need it. If you’re not that person, then you need it.”

FibreGuard fabrics interact and connect with all our ranges, spanning every myriad of design and texture to look high-end even at entry-level price points. Our FibreGuard offering extends from matte fabrics to those with a luster, and plush, soft velvets, none of which appear targeted to sterile environments.

Our Account Managers are confident in your ability to integrate high performance fabrics into your home’s interior scheme. “You can use Staunch then add something else and they still speak to each other. You can use Tahiti and then add a tweed like Gabrielle, or a velvet like Vela.” Keystone, one of our best-selling FibreGuard fabrics has a dry, natural cotton texture. “It looks fantastic made-up, it seems extremely high-end and your hand slides across it. When you touch Keystone it feels soft and in our mind we associate soft fabrics with natural fibres.”

Our diverse offering of FibreGuard fabrics caters to everyone, no matter the look, style or price point. The colour palette of fabrics like Tahiti or Staunch is expansive, stretching from blues, petrol and ink, popular in coastal environments, to vibrant jewel tones.

In line with enduring minimalist trends, our lighter colours are growing in popularity as it becomes clear to customers that an oyster-coloured sofa need not only exist on your mood board. We can confidently support your purchase because we know that you can maintain in yourself and keep it looking beautiful.

Here are some testimonials from our experts:

“From my experience of having FibreGuard and a child and two dogs, I have a few stories!

My daughter spilt aqua food dye on one of my chairs and I was like, ‘you’ve got to be joking’ because I went for a light colour. She spilt bright blue on it and my husband said, ‘you told me you had this fancy technology blah blah blah’ and I said, ‘oh yes, yes I do.’ So, food colouring came off with the wet cloth, not a mark to be seen which was epic.

Then, unfortunately, we had a fire in our home. The fire department threw my dining chairs aside and damaged them, they were covered in soot. But all we did was wipe them with a damp cloth and they were good as new. From that perspective – gamechanger.

Bright hair colour comes out too, we’ve tried it. We’ve wet my hair and taken the soapy colour and put it onto a piece of Tahiti, we couldn’t spot clean it we had to really get in there, but it all came out. I’ve got a little swatch of it in my FibreGuard box and people go ‘what about your hair colour,’ trying to be clever, and I’m like ‘this is it,’ and it works. It all works.” Charmaine Fisher, Account Manager (SA)

“One of my customers had a bird come in and have a little accident all over their sofa. When they tried to clean it, it came off straight away. She sent me an email saying, ‘I cannot believe it. I was prepared to recover this thinking it had sunk in and stained it.’ And she was able to completely remove it.” Alana Ryan, Account Manager (VIC)

“A customer was delivering a sofa to their client and it was in one of the natural colours. The delivery guy hit into a brick and he bled straight onto the sofa. Once they’d put it in the house they said, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s bled onto it.’ We said, ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine - a little water and there’s nothing to see here.’” Amber Molloy, Account Manager (NSW)