Guide to Buying a Heated Towel Rail

Written by

Bathroom Butler

15 November 2021


4 min read

So you want to buy a heated towel rail. There are some seriously pertinent questions to ask – but the number one question to ask yourself is: what do I need it for?

So you want to buy a heated towel rail. Congratulations and welcome to the world of the sensible and the stylish!

But which one to buy and how do you separate the fluff from the functional & fabulous? There are some seriously pertinent questions to ask – but the number one question to ask yourself is: what do I need it for?

The answer, well, depends on your needs, where you’re going to use it, and who is going to use it. Before we dive in, make sure these checkboxes are ticked:

Four top considerations before buying a heated towel rail

  1. Look for superior Grade 304 stainless steel that won’t rust or chip and will last a lifetime. Avoid chrome and aluminum for these very reasons.
  2. Find a heated towel rail that can be switched on and off. Make sure you can change the power (heat) setting on the heated towel rack to suit the seasons.
  3. Choose a heated towel rail with Dry Element Technology (DET) – not fluid-filled. DET heated towel rails are lighter, easier to install, heat up quicker and are inexpensive to run, making them a wise financial investment.
  4. Check for top notch after-sales service, product warranties and guarantees against manufacturing defects.

What’s next?

Now you know what you’re looking for in terms of quality and functionality, it’s time to decide which heated towel rail will suit the shape, size and available wall space in your bathroom. And, of course, and most importantly, how many people will use the bathroom daily – which determines how many towels need drying each day.

A medium-sized bathroom for a family of four

You know the morning bathroom scene. Family members are fighting about who gets in first, who gets the dry, fluffy towels with a touch of warmth, who takes a bath and who wants to shave in peace. We can’t help with everything, but we can give you a heated towel rail that will satisfy everyone’s need for a dry, fluffy towel with a touch of warmth.

NATURAL 12 Bar 500mm heated towel rail with PTSelect Switch (US model shown here - square cover plate)

Look no further than our ladder-style Natural 15-bar heated towel rail that easily fits into narrower, taller spaces. It can dry four bath towels at the same time while adding a touch of warmth. See? No need to be stressed out before the day has even begun.

Half-bath or powder room

These mini bathrooms don’t often get a lot of traffic, but you may want to impress your guests with dry towels!

We suggest you pick up the compact Cubic 6-bar heated towel rack that can dry two towels. The benefit of our DET (Dry Element Technology) is that the rail reaches maximum temperature in 10-15 mins from being switched on, add a few minutes to that and your guests will have a warm towel, simply switch it on before your guests arrive.

CUBIC 6 Bar 530mm heated towel rail with PTSelect Switch (US model shown here - square cover plate)

En-suite for two

En-suites are the epitome of luxury and would be even more so with the addition of a stylish heated towel rail. They’re not always the largest of bathrooms, so you want a rail that doesn’t take up much space yet dries enough towels for two busy professionals.

EDGE 10 Bar 500mm heated towel rail with PTSelect Switch (US model shown here - square cover plate)

If this is you, we recommend the Edge 10-bar heated towel rail. This elegant rail can dry two bath sheets at the same time while keeping another two warm on the top shelf, ready for wrapping around your head or the little one after a bubble bath with mom.

Pool room, laundry room, mudroom

These rooms all involve a lot of towels, and the towels are often damp and need drying. Our Loft Duo 12-bar heated towel rail is a statement piece and towel organizer all in one. It can dry up to four bath sheets, reducing bacteria and keeping your towels fresh between uses and washes. Now doesn’t that sound like the perfect solution?

LOFT 12 Bar 1000mm heated towel rail with PTSelect Switch