How 3D Models and Visualisation Enhance the Building Design Process

15 May 2022


3 min read

Back at University while undertaking my Bachelor of Design in Architecture, there was no real focus on 3D visualisation. In fact, most of the degree was focused on the theory of Architecture and not a real focus on the built environment or the process of producing sketches and massing?? to actual construction documentation. Even then, construction documentation was two dimensional and the interpretation of the documents was solely the responsibility of the builder and contractors.
By producing realistic 3D renders and montages, builders, contractors and even the clients get a preview and understanding of what is to come and what the vision is.
By producing realistic 3D renders and montages, builders, contractors and even the clients get a preview and understanding of what is to come and what the vision is.
How 3D Models and Visualisation Enhance the Building Design Process
How 3D Models and Visualisation Enhance the Building Design Process
How 3D Models and Visualisation Enhance the Building Design Process