A man’s world: how to design a non-contrived bachelor’s pad

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21 January 2023


7 min read

Rather than following an outdated formula and resulting in a tacky space, modern bachelor pads exude style and elegance while being inviting and comfortable.

Bachelor pads often get a bad rap. Conventional wisdom used to dictate that a bachelor’s pad feature a full leather sofa set (arranged around a television, of course), dark woods, lumpy bean bags, borderline immature artwork, and perhaps a taxidermied animal or two. However, those bachelor pads tend to be devoid of personality and don’t reflect their inhabitants. Rather than following an outdated formula and resulting in a contrived space, modern bachelor pads exude style and elegance while being inviting and comfortable, and there are plenty of different bachelor pad ideas to consider.

What is a bachelor pad?

A bachelor pad is a residence, typically belonging to a single man, that is designed to suit his personal tastes and lifestyle. It often emphasises comfort, convenience, and a sense of individuality in its design, frequently showcasing a more modern, stylish, and sometimes luxurious aesthetic. This type of living space is also known for accommodating the social and entertainment needs of its occupant, and can often be am apartment a studio apartment (where a dining room, bedroom and kitchen are intertwined) or a small house.

The Bach Pad, Hampton by Merrylees Architecture & Interiors | Photography by Veeral

Tips on decorating a bachelor pad

Design on a colour palette

In selecting a colour palette for a bachelor pad, the goal is to create a space that feels both personal and timeless. While darker hues often lend a traditionally masculine feel, there's a wide spectrum of colours that can add sophistication and individuality to your space. Consider branching out from the standard black, grey, and white. Deeper shades like navy blue or hunter green can offer depth and richness. These colours work well as primary tones for larger elements such as walls or major furniture pieces, setting a bold yet refined backdrop.

For a warmer sensation, chocolate brown or deep purple are excellent choices. These hues can create a welcoming and luxurious atmosphere, particularly effective in spaces meant for relaxation and comfort. Accent colours are essential in preventing the space from feeling too monochromatic or heavy.

Metallic accents in brass, copper, or brushed gold can introduce an element of elegance and brightness. Such accents can be incorporated through smaller decor pieces, lighting fixtures, or even in frame finishes. The aim is to blend these colours in a way that not only showcases personal style but also ensures a cohesive and harmonious interior. For example, a navy blue wall paired with copper accessories can strike a stunning balance, while deep green coupled with gold highlights can create a classic and upscale look.

Exploring various hues and accents allows for a degree of creativity and personalisation when you're designing the space.

Read more: 10 easy ways to make your kitchen look more expensive

The Bach Pad, Hampton by Merrylees Architecture & Interiors | Photography by Veeral

Experiment with textures

Bachelor pads are often defined by a sleek, streamlined approach. To prevent the space from veering into the stark and clinical side, add interest through texture. Textures add a unique dimension to any space, and in a streamlined, modern bachelor pad, they play a key role in bringing warmth and character. Soft fabrics like velvet or bouclé can be considered for those who appreciate a touch of luxury and comfort. These materials can be introduced through cushions or a statement armchair, adding a layer of tactility to the sleek environment.

Wooden furniture, especially pieces showcasing natural grain, offers an opportunity to bring in an organic element. This choice is ideal for those who lean towards a more earthy, grounded aesthetic. A standout piece, like a live-edge table, can serve as both a functional item and a conversation starter. Rugs are another versatile option. From thick shags to handwoven textures, they can transform the feel of a room, offering both visual appeal and underfoot comfort.

Wall textures, too, offer a canvas for expression. Textured wallpapers or unique wall art can break up the uniformity of the walls, adding an element of visual intrigue, modern design and contemporary shapes.

Utilise symmetry to create design harmony

In keeping with the theme of being balanced, using the principles of symmetry can help make a space look more put together. Symmetry doesn’t equate to being identical, with spaces that are proportional and well-balanced looking better than those that are exact mirror images. To employ symmetry in your space, select a focal point – such as a coffee table, sofa, or area rug – and built out from that.

Read more: Mirror mirror: how to achieve design harmony through symmetry

The Bach Pad, Hampton by Merrylees Architecture & Interiors | Photography by Veeral

Pay attention to the lighting

Lighting in a bachelor pad plays a pivotal role in setting the ambiance and tone of the space. Instead of defaulting to basic downlights, exploring a variety of lighting options can add both function and style. Consider the elegance a sculptural chandelier can bring, serving not just as a light source but also as a piece of art. Pendant lights, reading lamps, and dimmable overhead lights offer flexibility, allowing the mood of the room to shift according to the occasion or time of day. The choice of lighting can transform the feel of the pad, making it a key consideration in its design.

Focus on liveability

When you're designing a bachelor pad, especially when it's your own space, it's important to strike a balance between the look you’re trying to create and practical comfort. One way to do this is to choose furniture that brings in these two elements. For instance, a sleek, leather recliner that complements your colour scheme or an ergonomically designed desk chair that aligns with the modern vibe of your space can serve this dual purpose effectively.

Consider the layout of your apartment or space carefully. It should facilitate easy movement and serve your daily needs efficiently. For example, if you love hosting, ensure your living area is spacious and inviting. If you're a gaming enthusiast, create a dedicated gaming area where you have plenty of room for a console, a screen, monitor and other gaming accessories. The key is to mould the space around your lifestyle, ensuring that each piece of furniture serves a purpose, be it for relaxation, work, or entertainment.

South Yarra Residence 2 by Full of Grace Interiors | Photography by Fiona Storey

Start small

Designing your ideal bachelor pad can seem like a daunting task. Sometimes, it helps to start small. Rather than doing the entire house at once, try starting with a home office, study, or library; these rooms are easy to imbue with masculine energy and can set the tone for the rest of your home.

South Yarra Residence 2 by Full of Grace Interiors | Photography by Fiona Storey

Marry old and new

Creating an impactful contemporary space doesn’t mean you need to start afresh completely. The best bachelor pads fuse old pieces with new; incorporating family heirlooms or vintage pieces can help add style and depth to your space. While furniture like sofas and armchairs are often best bought new (or freshly upholstered), try delving into vintage wares with a coffee table, entertainment unit, or credenza.

Many ways to design and decorate a bachelor pad

Designing a modern bachelor pad is about creating a space that's as stylish as it is comfortable, reflecting the unique personality and lifestyle of its inhabitant. With thoughtful choices in colour, texture, and lighting, and a blend of old and new elements, there are lots of unique ways to style these spaces. Whether starting small with a single room or undertaking a complete home transformation, the journey to crafting a contemporary bachelor pad is as rewarding as the final result – a sophisticated, functional, and deeply personal retreat.