How to Design the Perfect Gold Coast Home Theatre

Written by

AV Design

13 May 2024


6 min read

The average Australian spends more than 51 hours watching TV each month. That works out to be almost one full month of watching TV per year.

If you spend anywhere close to this much time watching TV, you should try to make the most of it. You can do this by setting up a dedicated TV room in your home or, better yet, by building a Gold Coast home theatre in your house.

When you create a home theatre from scratch, it won’t take long for it to turn into your favourite room in your whole house. You’ll want to spend as much time as you can parked in your home cinema.

Before you begin trying to transform one of the bonus rooms in your house into a home theatre, though, you’ll need to come up with the right theatre design for it. Here is a guide on how to come up with the perfect design for a Gold Coast home theatre.

Choose the Right Room for a Home Theatre

The very first thing you’ll want to do when you’re putting together plans for a Gold Coast home theatre is pick the right room for it. The location of your home theatre could make or break it.

Ideally, you’ll want to situate a home theatre in a place that’s away from the bedrooms in your house. It’ll let you turn up the speakers in your home theatre as loud as you want when you’re watching a TV show, movie, or sporting event.

The room you use to create a home theatre should also have plenty of space for you to spread out. It’ll make it a place where you want to come to unwind.

Invest in a Home Theatre Projector

For a long time, most people invested in big-screen TVs for their Gold Coast home theatres. But nowadays, there’s a much better option available.

Rather than going with a TV, you should think about purchasing a home theatre projector instead. It’ll give you the opportunity to project whatever you’d like to watch on a white screen or even just a blank wall in your home theatre. You can then make this projection as big or small as you want.

The projector you put in your home theatre will be at the center of it, so you shouldn’t be shy about shopping for it early on in the process. The one you pick out could dictate some of the other decisions you make while creating a home theatre design.

Set Up Speakers in a Home Theatre

The projector you choose for your home theatre will obviously be the most important part of it. But the speakers you use with it will come in a close second.

Nothing will ruin a great TV show, movie, or sporting event quicker than bad audio. It’s why you should devote a sizeable portion of your Gold Coast home theatre budget to buying great speakers.

You should also automate your projector and speakers so that you’re able to control them all from one device. It’ll make watching TV shows, movies, and sporting events even more enjoyable in your home cinema.

Purchase Comfortable Home Theatre Seating

You’re going to want to kick back and relax when you’re watching something in your Gold Coast home theatre. It’ll be difficult to do that if you have little more than a regular couch and an old recliner that used to be in your living room in it.

Buying comfortable home theatre seating for your new setup will be well worth it. You’ll be able to lounge in your home theatre for as long as you want without getting a stiff neck or a sore back when you have the right seating in it.

Hang Up Shades in a Home Theatre

Unless you’re going to be putting a home theatre in a finished basement or another windowless room, you’re going to be involved in a constant battle with the sun. It’ll shine through any windows that exist in your Gold Coast home theatre and make it hard to see what’s happening on your screen.

For this reason, you should hang up shades in your home theatre. Preferably, you should pick out ones that’ll make your home theatre completely dark when they’re closed.

You should also look into automating your shades so that you can put them up and down with the same controller you use for your projector and speakers. It’ll enable you to use them to their full potential.

Choose the Best Lighting for a Home Theatre

While you’re going to want your Gold Coast home theatre to be dark for the most part, there will be times when you’ll want to have some lights on in it. It might be a good idea to install dimmable recessed LED lighting in your home theatre space.

This type of lighting will be very soft and won’t ruin your experiences when you’re watching TV shows, movies, and sporting events. At the same time, it’ll make it possible for you to see what’s happening in your home theatre when you need to get up and walk around.

As an added bonus, LED lighting will also be more energy efficient than other lighting options. It’ll make all the sense in the world to use it in your home theatre.

Add Finishing Touches to a Home Theatre

When you reach this point, your Gold Coast home theatre should be almost finished. But there will still be a few finishing touches you’ll want to add to it.

For example, you might want to stick a popcorn machine and a refrigerator in the back to make it feel like a real theatre. You might also want to hang things like movie posters or sports jerseys up on the walls.

These finishing touches will make your Gold Coast home theatre unique to you. They’ll also give it the look and feel you want and make you feel more comfortable overall when you’re in it.

Start Designing a Great Gold Coast Home Theatre

Designing a Gold Coast home theatre can be a lot of fun. But it can also be overwhelming at times if you’ve never done it before.

AV Design can help you design the best home theatre possible. You’ll love spending time in your Gold Coast home theatre when it has the right design going for it.