How to style a materials board with Material Creative

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09 March 2022


3 min read

Choosing the materials for a mood board is the first part of creating an interior scheme. We ask Material Creative designers Liv Patience and Toni Brandso for their top tips on creating an inspiration board.

Tell me about the materials board you have put together for us?

The board is not for a client, however I do have a pending project that I had in mind for it. The overall feel was to be chic, interesting, textural and authentic. We have many clients looking for homes with beautiful personality at the moment, so we are layering many shapes, patterns and materials that feel very unique to them.

What are the key things you consider when choosing materials?

We consider many things, but overall we try to visualise the space in its entirety and constantly ask ourselves “Does this feel good?” Obviously we want it to look beautiful, but how it feels to be in the space is a more important question. Also – does this palette reflect our client well? What could we add/subtract to make it feel more "them".

This textural and authentic board was styled by Liv Patience and Toni Brandso with an upcoming project in mind.

What was the starting point for bringing this scheme together?

The starting point was the raw piece of Oamaru stone, with it’s chalky texture and colour. Then we asked: "What can we add to the palette that would enhance this material and sit side by side with it really well?"

What's your top tip for choosing materials for an interior space?

Liv: My top tip would probably be that over time, everyone develops a palette that they love whether they are conscious of it or not! Start with thinking about colours and textures that you like – they will show up in your clothing, in your current home or in the way you wrap a birthday present. When you walk into a space and you love it, think about what it is about it that you actually like! It might just be the timber flooring or the marble counter. Becoming conscious of the colours and materials that help you feel calm or happy is a great place to start… You can add to it from there.

Any tips on choosing samples?

No top tips for getting samples, just get samples of everything you love and edit, edit, edit!

Material Creative directors Liv Patience and Toni Brandso.
Material Creative directors Liv Patience and Toni Brandso.

What are your tips on combining texture and colour?

Combining texture and colour doesn’t necessarily come naturally to many people, however we live amongst so much of it -– especially if you look outside. Start with what you know: a colour you love, a timber sample that speaks to you or a piece of stone you find compelling. It can all change, but starting with what you know you like is how the editing process begins.

How do I integrate colour into my interior?

If you’re unsure of colour, make up some really large samples and put them in the room you are thinking of painting. You could also just paint directly on to the wall! It can be hard to tell from a small sample just how the colour will look and the light in every house is different, so get yourself a few different variations of the colour and do swatches on the wall before progressing.

Why work with an interior designer/architect?

If the renovation you want to do is decent, working with an interior designer/architect is the best investment you will make. Not only can we guide your ideas with your home and help with the layout and overall design, but we also provide great insight and advice on the building process, budgets and sourcing of different materials.

Explore Liv and Toni’s design board and discover the materials behind their vision