In conversation with Warren Au

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03 May 2022


3 min read

What does the design philosophy of an interior designer, who also has a passion for tattoo art, look like? For Studio Gestalt’s Warren Au, the answer is individuality.

“I was never good at school, I’m not going to lie,” laughs Warren. “I was drawn to art, woodwork, design – that was me. I wasn’t good at maths or science, I was more drawn to creativity and expressing that.

“I actually wanted to be a tattooist when I was a kid because Grandad was covered in ink,” he says, but when he finished school Warren decided to instead look at other areas that interested him – such as construction, design and architecture, drawing inspiration “from years of playing with Lego and in awe of buildings and the connection between spaces and human connection”.

After working with accomplished design firms to bring residential, commercial and hospitality projects to life, Studio Gestalt was born in 2016 – gestalt meaning ‘an organised whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts’.

Setting the right foundations

When it comes to Studio Gestalt’s mission, the answer is simple – to do the very best for every client and to realise the connection humans have with spaces.

“It sounds a bit cliche, but we strive to do the best we can, to deliver what we can for the client; every project and every client is unique,” says Warren. This is at the core of the design company’s philosophy.

As Yves Saint Laurent once said, “Fashion fades, style is eternal.” And Warren believes there is certainly truth to this. Rather than following design trends, individuality determines each project.

“If a client sees one of our previous projects and they like the style, that’s all good and great – let’s make it yours though.

“We’re committed to human connection and we pride ourselves on creating unique, engaging spaces that not only make a positive contribution to their physical location, but also enhance the lives of those living, enjoying and working within them,” says Warren.

North Strathfield Residence by Studio Gestalt | Photography by Brigid Arnott
North Strathfield Residence by Studio Gestalt | Photography by Brigid Arnott
Chiswick Residence by Studio Gestalt | Photography by Brigid Arnott
Chiswick Residence by Studio Gestalt | Photography by Brigid Arnott

Be unique and be truthful to the project and what it wants to achieve and what it could potentially be. 

By communicating visually, the team at Studio Gestalt is able to “get inside the client’s mind” and build a solid design brief, based on what it is the client actually wants.

“It’s like baking a cake, you need a good strong foundation for the rest of the cake to stand – if not, it will crumble,” says Warren.

“I think if you’re true to the design and what the client wants, anything can look good. If you start following trends, things will potentially only be a ‘flavour of the month’.

“Take reference to what’s happening and expression of design by other people, but be unique and be truthful to the project and what it wants to achieve and what it could potentially be.”

Mosman Harbour-View House by Studio Gestalt x Studio Aem | Photography by Anson Smart
Mosman Harbour-View House by Studio Gestalt x Studio Aem | Photography by Anson Smart

Warren is excited to be seeing more of this creative approach emerge in the architecture and design industry.

“Some people are really pushing the envelope, pushing boundaries and it looks absolutely stunning,” he says.

“I’m lucky enough to have found a career and own a business that lets me do what I’m happy to do. It’s my love and joy, and a client’s smile at the end of what we’ve produced is absolutely priceless.”

Explore Studio Gestalt’s work on ArchiPro.

Words by Cassie Birrer