Inspiring living for tomorrow. lifestyle trends 2024 by Neolith

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08 June 2023


4 min read

The new consultation tool for design professionals
Inspiring living for tomorrow. lifestyle trends 2024 by Neolith

Whether you’re a design professional or interior decorating enthusiast, this is for you. “Inspiring Living For Tomorrow. Lifestyle Trends 2024 by Neolith” is a super complete Report providing insight into months of trend research in the home furnishings, furniture and equipment sector through an in-depth analysis of what’s going on in the world, how society is changing and users’ new needs as concerns their relationships with the environment. These are the main lines of research found in Neolith’s first book of trends.

It showcases several examples of how architecture, interior design, fashion and industry are changing to create a more livable and more sensorial environment that’s closer than ever to its origins.

Imagination as the main lever of transformation

Gudy Herder and Enric Pastor, the authors of “Inspiring Living for Tomorrow”, believe imagination is the main lever of transformation which feeds innovation and enables the creation of places where people want to live, feel and enjoy.

Inspiring living for tomorrow. lifestyle trends 2024 by Neolith

Inspire, move, create...

For us, the best thing about creating something is living it. And this first Trend Report can be used as a guide for all sectors driving these social changes as it provides a holistic view through designs, trends, fashion, beauty and creativity in deep symbiosis with functionality.

The 3 Macrotrends


We think of the Urbanization of an Autonomous Spirit as the facilitator of a more streamlined, autonomous and sustainable lifestyle where space is no longer static, now allowing for all sorts of uses in homes and offices as well as in commercial and public spaces.

Cities are changing, becoming bigger, with space becoming more and more valuable. In response, we’re seeing the rise of microliving, modularity, and multi-functional versatility which allow users to experiment and adapt spaces to their own needs. All of this is being completed with a “green” and sustainable approach to urbanization as well as a specific type of architecture: Greentecture, which is based on bioclimatic and self-sufficiency criteria. Interior design is adding flexibility, play and a green perspective to its vocabulary as reflected by bright and happy colors: the yellow of Bach flower, burnt red and amaranth, eucalyptus green, cobalt blue as well as azalea pink and purple.


Well-being and self-care are key to spatial design, linking physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual and financial applications. Concepts such as self-care, relaxation and contemplation must be taken into account by brands, professionals and institutions when designing airports, banks, hospitals and other public places. Promoting well-being is the goal. Concepts like restorative design, a holistic approach or regenerative missions are beginning to be taken into account when designing healthcare spaces such as clinics, hospitals and even pharmacies, not to mention residential projects as well. Teleworking has opened up our homes and design and interior decorating seek to turn homes into safe places as the scenario for multisensorial well-being.

Inspiring living for tomorrow. lifestyle trends 2024 by Neolith


Nature and a natural balance comprise the third macrotrend. Awareness for environmental respect is becoming stronger all the time. We’re in the era of researching materials, innovating and transferring these results to commercial use so we can all contribute and access environmentally-friendly developments.

A third of all consumers are willing to invest more and more in sustainable products, and companies must be ready for sustainability to become the expectation and not the exception in the future. Brands are beginning to facilitate more responsible consumption. Teaching people to value what we already have instead of quickly replacing everything will lead to a cultural change. 2024 will be the great era of respect, of zero waste generation and upcycling.

Find out more about this Trend Report which reflects what’s happening and what’s going to happen within the next several months through messages, values and a design language that includes color, shapes and materials, and where Neolith surfaces can be a key piece.

Find out more here.