Livability in the kitchen: reimagining function

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26 June 2018


3 min read

There are various ingredients that come together as one to create a world-class kitchen design. One of those is innovative storage. We spoke to Hafele about setting trends in kitchenware and where to from here...

Keynotes in a kitchen design are often based upon individuality, customisation and coherency, particularly in regards to storage solutions. It is these three concepts that underpin Häfele’s latest offering in conjunction with Kesseböhmer.

“Kesseböhmer has focused more emphatically than ever before on the symbiosis of fine design, intelligent, mature technology and opportunity for individual, customized use of colours and materials,” Häfele’s Michael Farrugia says.

“Together with Kesseböhmer, we want to play a role in creating kitchens that are attractive, but also highly functional living spaces; kitchens that people love to be in and use. ‘Livability’ is the magic word.”

Tandem Pantry

Latest Storage Ideas For More Efficient Space

The latest collection comprises a range of pull-out pantries, corner solutions, overhead cabinet fittings and under bench storage.

“It makes sense to have specialised storage for everything from pots and pans to glasses and groceries. Well-organised storage is the best recipe for successful cooking,” Michael says. “The new range incorporates pull-outs, which each glide out effortlessly on specially-engineered German-made runners even when fully stocked. Unlike drawers, the height of each tray can also be changed to suit different contents.

“One of the strong trends emerging from Eurocucina Design Week in Europe this year was moody hues in the kitchen such as blues, greens and charcoal combined with a rustic wood grain,” Michael says.

“The pantries, pull-outs and drawers are transformed into eye-catching features with the new Anthracite finish is used; this finish working as a complement to the latest trends, allowing the cupboard interiors to blend seamlessly into the fittings or, alternatively, create a striking contrast when the contemporary metal fittings meet the warmth of wood.”


Corner Cupboard Storage Solution

One of the storage solutions Häfele offers in conjunction with Kesseböhmer is the LeMans, which is designed specifically to open up corner cupboards where space is often wasted due to accessibility. “The ergonomic tray shape increases the storage area by up to 70 per cent,” Michael says. “The 80-degree opening angle avoids collisions with handles on adjacent cupboards, which makes it easier to plan the kitchen layout. Even when space is tight, there’s no risk of damaging expensive front panels.” Each individual shelf in the LeMans design can hold up to 25 kilograms.

Häfele New Zealand is a subsidiary of global German brand Häfele, and is the largest supplier of kitchen hardware in New Zealand offering completely customisable solutions.

Make sure you visit Häfele on ArchiPro here to see their latest award-winning kitchen solutions.


Le Mans Corner
Le Mans Corner