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23 July 2023
3 min read
Now is the best time for pruning most of your deciduous trees. During the colder months the tree is dormant and has no leaves.
This makes branch selection much easier when deciding where to make a correct cut. The tree is also at less risk
to infection during the colder months, as there are less insects to spread disease to open wounds.
Does the tree actually need to be pruned? Ask yourself “what is it that I’m trying to achieve?” The less you cut the better.
Poor pruning can cause damage that lasts for the life of the tree. Learn where and how to make the cuts before picking up the pruning tools.
Prune your spring flowering trees such as oaks, willows, maples and beech trees. It’s also beneficial for fruit trees such as apples and pears to be pruned before spring arrives. Evergreens are also best pruned now to stem that fast spring growth.
Remember, trees do not heal the way people do. When a tree is wounded, it must grow over the damage. As a result, the wound is contained within the tree forever.
If you are unsure about whether pruning is the right solution for your trees, call the Tree King experts for free advice!
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