Neolith obtains the prestigious "Zero Waste" certification

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08 June 2023


3 min read

Neolith obtains the prestigious "Zero Waste" certification for its excellent waste management and care for the environment, with the highest possible rating.

This certification is part of the circular economy model that recognizes companies demonstrating sustainability in their waste management.

The company’s constant commitment and sustainable DNA have led it to becoming one of the most environmentally friendly brands today.

Zero Waste” certification was granted to Neolith with an excellent plus score, which is the highest possible, situating it on the cutting edge of the sector in waste management.

Madrid; December 27, 2022.- Neolith, the world leader in sintered stone, has earned “Zero Waste” certification with an excellent commitment score after passing the inspection by the independent organization Bureau Veritas.

From the very beginning, Neolith has maintained a firm commitment to sustainability in general and an iron-clad commitment to caring for the environment in particular which has led to specific actions such as reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy. All of this has been recognized with its “Zero Waste” certification and excellent plus score, which is the highest that can be awarded. It certifies that Neolith not only does the foregoing, but it also recovers and recycles more than 95% of its waste by giving it new value and thus contributing to the circular economy.

As has been constant since its foundation, this “Zero Waste” certification positions Neolith once again at the forefront of the sector. It also guarantees an image of responsibility and the brand’s commitment to minimizing its environmental impact throughout all phases of its manufacturing and sales process.
As José Luis Ramón, CEO of Neolith Group, mentioned, “Sustainability is a principle of action at Neolith and is found in all of our business decisions. Neolith is synonymous to design, style and beauty and, therefore, the innovation we foster as well as the quality of our products could not be possible if it weren’t all connected to the most demanding sustainability criteria. It fills us with pride to have received this “Zero Waste” certification with such a high score because it underlines our reality which is no other than excellence in all of our processes and a commitment by our entire team which keeps us improving day after day.”
On the cutting edge of sustainability, Neolith engages in a number of initiatives in this area as explained in its annual sustainability report which can be found at its official website

About “Zero Waste” Certification
This certificate is received following an exhaustive verification process by Bureau Veritas which has examined our waste control and monitoring system for months. Neolith has proven excellent performance. 
“Zero Waste” certification is complemented by environmental waste management standard UNE-EN ISO 14001 and adds value to it, thus fostering a commitment and adequate management of waste to avoid dumps as much as possible. Waste management is one of today’s challenges when it comes to building a better future and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).