12 September 2023


5 min read


Today, Birdblack Design is showcasing three of our latest Commercial projects. All three projects are very different to each other: one bar, one bakery/café and one chiropractor. Whether designing cafes, bars, restaurants, clinics, studios, offices or salons; you will find a few key concepts that are imperative in any and all of the above.

‘5 Beekman’, Cocktail Lounge, Wollongong, NSW
‘Earnest Arthur’, Custom Bakery and Café, South Nowra, NSW
‘The Back Dr’, Chiropractic Clinic, Albion Park, NSW

As you can see, our commercial portfolio is very diverse. Hospitality and Medical – both very different. Equally as different are the café with an inhouse bakery to the classy Manhattan inspired bar. Today we will highlight key areas to consider when creating Commercial. What are the most important factors in any of these industries?

Welcome to '5 Beekman'! This stylish bar is adequately named after 5 Beekman Street, a building in the Financial District of Manhattan in New York City. Interior Design & Furniture Curation: Birdblack Design. Builder: Big Island Construction. Photography: Better Together Photography Co.


Whether sitting in a classy bar, catching up for lunch with friends, or sitting nervously in a reception area in a clinic; comfort is a beautiful way to express to your clients that you understand and have prioritised their comfort so they can relax and feel taken care of.

In a café, there is nothing worse than catching up with friends and wanting to spend hours chatting and laughing, only to be fidgeting because the chairs are simply uncomfortable. Your lower back hurts, your shoulders are strained and despite the aesthetic, you are not relaxed.
In a bar, the same applies. Are the bar stools too hard? Do the chairs lack back support? Has the cushioning become lumpy over time? Are there armrests to rest upon?
In a clinic or doctor’s surgery – is the main reception sterile? Is that welcoming? Are the consultation rooms warm and inviting?

Most patients need emotional needs met, as well as their physical needs. Simple chair choices can convey this message. ‘The Back Dr’ understood this well.

These beautiful emerald green velvet chairs are so comfortable and inviting. The perfect chairs for patients to wait in. Interior Design & Furniture Curation: Birdblack Design. Project Management: Matthew Field. Build Carpenter: Zac Forbes. Joinery Manufacturer: Mandziy’s Just Joinery. Electrician: Mick Lavery Electrical. Photography: Better Together Photography Co


As self-confessed foodies, the Birdblack Team detest seeing materials pilling on lounge chairs, dining chairs and ottomans of established hospitality venues. It looks tacky and ultimately, durability was not a factor when considering the sheer volume of people that would graze such furniture.  Another firm pet peeve would be a wobbly table. There’s nothing worse! Unless, of course, it’s the wobbly barstool while you are trying to sophisticatedly sip a cocktail…

Durability, functionality, and efficiency are essential factors when considering commercial fixtures, materials and furniture. It is imperative the space can withstand the intended time frame. There is no need to be replacing such items within a year. Consider your clientele and the daily needs of your establishment.

Durable materials means the beauty and cocktail bar at ‘5 Beekman’ will stand the test of time.

Luxurious and durable seating is a must in hospitality venues. Interior Design & Furniture Curation: Birdblack Design. Builder: Big Island Construction. Photography: Better Together Photography Co.

‘Earnest Arthur’ and the chosen materials will withstand the different temperatures found within a bakery.

Interior Design: Birdblack Design. Photography: Better Together Photo.


All three industries are very stand-up heavy for the staff and service providers. Ensuring their feet and backs are accounted for is important for long-term sustainability. It expresses the business owners care about their employees.

Things to consider may include: non-slippery surfaces in hospitality, soft woods or carpets in salons and clinics to absorb some pressure off the feet and legs, and again, a durable material that will stand up to the abundant foot traffic anticipated in flourishing businesses. Chipped tiles? No thanks. Scuff marks? Unappealing. Worker’s Compensation due to slips and falls on impractical flooring? Disastrous!

Soft, durable, non-slip surfaces are a must. Thankfully, you can have all three and still have a fabulous aesthetic like this contemporary carpet tile featuring an abstract pattern in grey and black at ‘The Back Dr’.

Look at this fantastic flooring. Interior Design & Furniture Curation: Birdblack Design. Project Management: Matthew Field. Build Carpenter: Zac Forbes. Joinery Manufacturer: Mandziy’s Just Joinery. Electrician: Mick Lavery Electrical. Photography: Better Together Photography Co.


How many times have you squeezed sideways past tables and chairs to get to the bathroom or the bar? An over-stacked dining room is never a pleasant experience. People don’t appreciate sitting on top of each other, hearing conversations, or having to move their tables and chairs around simply to be comfortable.  Service providers need space to move freely around their work stations in order to appropriately provide their service – from wide swinging doors in restaurants, to adequate space for full body movements in a chiropractor’s clinic. Service providers also require suitable storage for their tools, equipment etc.

Zoning is critical!

No one likes sitting on top of each other. We consider this when dealing with commercial venues. Interior Design: Birdblack Design. Photography: Better Together Photography Co.

With Commercial Design, you as the business owner are creating an interior for your brand, business and customers. It is important to consider all aspects of the design process. If leasing a commercial space, it is imperative that you are aware of your lease conditions from the very beginning. This will save you from coming across future problems.

It is definitely well worth the investment of a professional Interior Designer to ensure your space is designed with divine aesthetics, the most practical / functional layout and suitable materials, ensuring your brand is flowing throughout the space. We looking forward to working with you and transforming your Commercial Concepts!

Talk soon,
BD x