Redmund Spur House: a love letter to rural Canterbury

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05 November 2023


7 min read

Redmund Spur House in Canterbury's Port Hills. Image credit: Jason Mann
Redmund Spur House pays homage to the splendour of the Canterbury region, embracing each contour of the land with the materials found there.
The home is embedded into the gently sloping site, anchored by heavy materials.
The home is embedded into the gently sloping site, anchored by heavy materials.
 "The idea was it was almost a little bit of mystery; you don't see much of the view,” Jasper shares.
 "The idea was it was almost a little bit of mystery; you don't see much of the view,” Jasper shares.
The entrance hall sits at the “knuckle of the two wings”.  Its lower ceiling height feels protective, complemented by warmly toned timber. Locally sourced volcanic stone extends from the exterior into the interior, softening the transition whilst firmly rooting the residence in the Port Hills.
The entrance hall sits at the “knuckle of the two wings”. Its lower ceiling height feels protective, complemented by warmly toned timber. Locally sourced volcanic stone extends from the exterior into the interior, softening the transition whilst firmly rooting the residence in the Port Hills.
Like a concertina, the ceiling height shifts as the functionality of each space changes. "We tried to get this experience of every space having its own particular character, volume, light, quality of material, and make it a sequence as you move through,” Jasper explains.
Like a concertina, the ceiling height shifts as the functionality of each space changes. "We tried to get this experience of every space having its own particular character, volume, light, quality of material, and make it a sequence as you move through,” Jasper explains.
Swathes of glass connect the interior to the transitional space of the veranda, which follows through to the garden.
Swathes of glass connect the interior to the transitional space of the veranda, which follows through to the garden.
The material palette has integrity, carefully composed to reference the regional architectural identity.
The material palette has integrity, carefully composed to reference the regional architectural identity.
In a microcosmic reflection of the natural environment, the home's form references the earth and the sky.
In a microcosmic reflection of the natural environment, the home's form references the earth and the sky.