Saturday InDesign 2022

Written by

Savage Design

02 April 2024


1 min read

Well that was fun! Saturday Indesign recap

Last month we took part in the latest edition of Saturday Indesign. It was fantastic to be a part of the one-day design extravaganza and for the first time, from our Surry Hills showroom.​

​We saw a great mix of visitors through the day with the rain holding off for the majority of the event. We got the feeling that the design community were very happy to be out and about taking in the latest in design and having the chance to network again.​

​Our partnership with Sussex taps for the event was a resounding success as we were able to take visitors behind the scenes of how we both craft our complementary products. We are both proud Australian manufacturers and showing the skill involved to the architectural and design community is something we strive to do.​

​It was also a chance to preview some new things for our brand. The first being our latest finish – Blackened Brass, and the second some new product that we will be launching soon.​

​Thank you to all of you that visited us on the day, Indesign and their team, plus the crew from Cantina OK! for the Seltzer hour