Seismic Resilience and Fire Safety: A Crucial Interplay in New Zealand's Building Design

Written by

The Designfire

09 March 2024


4 min read

As a country situated within the Pacific Ring of Fire, New Zealand is no stranger to active seismic activity. While we are well aware of the importance of earthquake-resilient building design, it is crucial to understand how seismic considerations relate to the fire safety provisions of a building.

The Impact of Post-Earthquake Fires on Building Safety 

Historical evidence has shown that the damage caused by post-earthquake fires can be much more severe than the initial shock. This is particularly relevant for buildings, as earthquakes can damage structures that form life safety provisions, such as firecells and active fire alarm systems. To ensure the overall safety of a building, seismic considerations must be integrated into the fire safety design process. 


Integrating Seismic Considerations into Fire Safety Design  

 Achieving this goal requires a coordinated effort from all relevant consultants, including architectural, structural, and fire engineering professionals. It is not enough to simply comply with the minimum building code requirements; instead, best design practices should be employed to incorporate seismic inputs into systems that maintain and protect fire safety measures. 


Securing Non-Structural Elements for Enhanced Fire Safety  

For instance, consider a scenario where a ceiling containing fire detectors is not seismically fixed and is easily disrupted during an earthquake. Although the ceiling itself is not a structural member of the building, incorporating seismic design principles to secure it can help maintain the integrity of the fire alarm system, ultimately saving lives in the event of a fire. 


Securing Water Supply for Fire Suppression Post-Earthquake  

Another critical aspect to consider is the water supply for fire suppression systems. Earthquakes can damage water mains and disrupt the water supply, rendering sprinkler systems and fire hydrants ineffective. To mitigate this risk, designers can incorporate seismic shut-off valves, which automatically cut off the water supply to prevent leaks and preserve water for firefighting. Additionally, installing on-site water storage tanks or reservoirs can provide a backup water supply for fire suppression in the event of a main supply disruption. 


Redundant Fire Safety Systems for Reliability After Earthquakes 

Also, designing redundant fire safety systems can help ensure that critical functions remain operational even if some components are damaged during an earthquake. This may include installing secondary power supplies for emergency lighting and fire alarms, as well as providing multiple escape routes to facilitate safe evacuation. 


The Link Between Seismic Resilience and Fire Safety in Building Design  

The interplay between seismic resilience and fire safety in building design is important, particularly in seismically active regions like New Zealand. By fostering collaboration among architectural, structural, and fire engineering professionals and incorporating seismic considerations into fire safety design, we can create buildings that are better equipped to protect lives and property in the face of both earthquakes and fires. 


Understanding Building Design Goals 

When it comes to building design, it's essential to remember that compliance with the minimum building code is not the only goal. The ultimate objective is to ensure the safety of the building's occupants and meet the specific needs outlined in the project brief. To achieve this, you'll want to collaborate with designers and consultants who deeply understand the importance of comprehensive building design considerations. 

Selecting a Design Team with a Focus on Safety and Innovation 

The ideal design team should consist of professionals who think beyond mere code compliance. They should be committed to exploring innovative solutions that prioritize safety and functionality, while also taking into account the unique challenges posed by New Zealand's seismic activity and the potential for post-earthquake fires. 

Our Commitment to Your Building’s Safety and Success 

By engaging with consultants like this, you can have confidence that your building will be well-equipped to protect lives and property in the face of both earthquakes and fires. If you're seeking a design partner that will go above and beyond to ensure the safety and success of your project, we are here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out and contact us to discuss how we can support your building design needs.