Should I hire an Architect or a Draftsperson?

06 February 2023


7 min read

If you have a unique or tricky plot of land, if you can’t find what your family needs within a bulk-builder’s catalogue of set designs, or if you love your neighbourhood but are constantly frustrated by little irks within your home then an architect is for you.

An architect will guide you down the (often convoluted) paths of design choices, town planning requirements, building codes and comforts, construction contracts and queries to a brighter future. It can be a daring adventure or a relaxed journey depending on your personality, and we’ll learn a lot about each other on the way.

What’s the difference between an architect, building designer, draftsperson, engineer, builder, and project manager? For anybody not in the construction industry it can be as confusing as it would be for me to tell you the difference between a solicitor, barrister and lawyer.

A simple answer would be that an architect is more focussed on design and experience and a draftsperson is more focussed on techniques and building technology. The real world is full of shades of grey though so we untangle the many roles on a construction site in our “Who’s Who in Construction” article.

Check out our “Why Work with an Architect” article to learn more about the value architects bring.

So to answer the question “Should I hire an architect or a Draftsperson” - It ultimately depends on your specific project and needs. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Size and complexity of the project: If you are planning a large-scale renovation or construction project, it is highly recommended that you hire a registered architect. An architect can help you design a space that meets your needs and budget, while also ensuring that the project meets all local building codes and regulations. If you are planning a large, complex building project, such as a multi-unit residential building or a commercial building, it is worth hiring an architect. Architects have more extensive training and experience in designing complex projects, and are licensed professionals who are held to certain standards and regulations.Architects typically do not work on projects that are purely decorative in nature, such as interior design or landscaping. Additionally, architects may not be the best choice for small-scale projects, such as minor renovations or repairs. In these cases, it may be more cost-effective to hire a building designer or contractor.
  • Budget: Building designers are typically less expensive than registered architects, but they may not have the same level of expertise or experience. If you are working with a limited budget, a building designer may be a more cost-effective option. However, keep in mind that the cost of the design process is a small fraction of the overall cost of the project, so it may be worth investing in an architect if it ensures a better end result.
  • Longevity and Legacy: How long are you planning on living in this home? An architect can provide a long-term vision for the property, providing a staged plan toward your dream home.
  • Visualisation: How well can you visualise the materials and spaces you’d like to see? Many people who are not in the industry struggle to do this as it’s a skill they don’t practice often. An architect typically has better visualisation tools in their office and can provide clarity during the design stage - avoiding decision regrets once things are built.
  • Personal Preference: Ultimately, the decision to hire an architect or a building designer may come down to personal preference. Both professionals can provide valuable design services, but their approaches may differ. If you prefer a more collaborative, hands-on design process, you may enjoy working with an architect. If you know exactly what you want and the project is relatively small you may prefer working with a building designer.

An architect can provide a number of benefits to your project. They can help you create a design that meets your needs and budget, while also ensuring that the project meets all local building codes and regulations. An architect can also provide valuable insight into the construction process, helping you to avoid costly mistakes and delays. Additionally, an architect can help you to identify potential problems before they arise, helping to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

Architects provide a valuable service. They are highly trained professionals who have the knowledge and experience to create a design that meets your needs and budget, while also ensuring that the project meets all local building codes and regulations. Additionally, they can provide valuable insight into the construction process, helping you to avoid costly mistakes and delays.

Choosing an architect or building designer can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not familiar with the construction industry. It is important to choose the right professional to ensure that your building project is completed successfully and meets all necessary building codes and regulations.

Choosing the right architect or building designer is crucial to the success of your building project. Consider the experience, reputation, communication skills, creativity, and cost of the professional you choose to ensure you get the best result possible.

When engaging an architect, it is important to have a clear understanding of your project goals and budget. You should also discuss the scope of the project and the services you need from the architect. Additionally, you should ask for references and review the firm's portfolio to get a better idea of their work. Finally, you should negotiate a fee and sign a contract.

Here are a number of items a Building Surveyor may require before they can issue a building permit on a typical single-residential project:

  • Architectural Drawings
  • Architectural Specifications
  • Structural Engineers Drawings
  • Structural Engineers Computations
  • Energy Assessment
  • Geotechnical Engineering Soil Report
  • Town Planning Permit
  • Certificate of Title

This is by no means a comprehensive list of projects that you may wish to undertake nor a comprehensive list of Building Permit items (which we will cover in a later post) but does start to raise the questions of cost - none of the items in that list are free.

It is difficult to provide an accurate cost for consultant fees for a new build in Australia as it can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the project and the services required. Consultant fees may include charges for architectural design, engineering, project management, and other specialized services. Some estimates suggest that consultant fees for a new build in Australia can range from 5-20% of the total construction cost, although this can vary significantly depending on the specific project. The low end of that scale would be for multimillion dollar apartment buildings and similar, the higher end would be for high-end custom homes. It is important to obtain quotes from multiple consultants and to carefully review the scope of their services before committing to any fees.

When deciding whether to hire an architect or a draftsperson, consider the size and complexity of your project, your budget, and your personal preference. Architects are typically the best choice for large-scale and complex projects, while building designers may be more cost-effective for smaller projects. Make sure to review portfolios and references before making your decision.