Spending more time on your sofa lately?

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Hello Saturday

10 July 2022


2 min read

Check out some custom-made options that tick both the style and comfort boxes.

Focusing on the bright sides of lockdown. The city is so quiet, the views from the top of Mt Eden seem endlessly clear and it feels like the birds are back (and so much louder)! We’ve been loving the empty roads for family bike rides and I’m starting to think about all the winter jobs I can get done in the garden.

If you’re anything like us, one thing that’s probably well-used in your house right now is your sofa - so it needs to be comfortable! That’s why, today, we wanted to showcase some of the custom couches and occasional chairs we’ve worked on recently. While style is super important to us, we’ll only sell comfy sofas - so you can rest assured these options tick both boxes.

If you are thinking about upgrading your indoor or outdoor furniture pre-Christmas, don’t forget stock is limited at the moment so it’s best to start exploring your options now. Using an Interior Designer can really help, as we can confirm with our trusted suppliers where stock is (ideally in NZ!) prior to making orders. We can then secure your order and they’ll hold it until you’re ready.

Hope this finds you all safe and comfortable in your bubbles. And a big shout out to all the essential workers out there - thanks for all you’re doing to keep things moving while we’re in level 4.