Spring Blossoms

Written by

Easy Big Trees

06 October 2024


3 min read

stretch, a gentle waking of the senses as the birdsong arrives, a charming chorus as we ready ourselves for the day ahead. Fresh air flows, revitalising our senses and our moods, and as we readily absorb more Vitamin D we also absorb the regenerative nature of Spring and excitedly make plans for warmer days to come.
PRUNUS subhirtella 'Falling Snow' - Weeping Cherry flowers
PRUNUS ‘Mountain Haze’ – White Blossom flowers
PRUNUS subhirtella 'Falling Snow' - Weeping Cherry Trees in Arrowtown.
‘Falling Snow' - Weeping Cherry Tree in Queenstown, Summer photo.
Spring (above) and Summer (below) images of PRUNUS ‘Mountain Haze’ - White Blossom Trees supplied by Easy Big Trees to create a world of beauty at Links Gate, Arrowtown.
Prunus Mountain Haze from Harrisons Heritage Collection, 400L, 12+ years old.
Prunus Mountain Haze - White Blossom Tree flowers.