Step-by-Step Plan to a Perfect Closet

Written by

Elite Wardrobes

04 June 2024


2 min read

A well-organised wardrobe can simplify your mornings, reduce stress, and enhance your personal style. By decluttering and arranging your clothes and accessories effectively, you can create a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This comprehensive guide will provide you with best practices and expert tips for organising your wardrobe, ensuring that every piece of clothing has its place. Feel free to follow along while reading.

Step 1: Empty and Clean Your Wardrobe

Start Fresh

Begin by removing every item from your wardrobe. This includes clothes, shoes, accessories, hangers, and any storage bins or baskets. Emptying your closet provides a clear view of the available space and allows you to start with a blank canvas.

Deep Clean

With everything out of the wardrobe, take the time to clean thoroughly. Dust shelves, rods, and corners. Vacuum or sweep the floor, and wipe down all surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. This ensures that your clothes go back into a pristine environment.

Step 2: Declutter Ruthlessly

Sort Through Your Items

As you remove items, sort them into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. This process is crucial for eliminating unnecessary clutter and making room for the items you truly love and use. 

Professional organiser Marie Kondo recommends asking yourself if each item sparks joy. If it doesn’t, it’s time to let it go.

Tips for Decluttering

Use these factors to sort through your items.

  • Frequency of Use: If you haven’t worn an item in the past year, consider donating or selling it.
  • Condition: Discard items that are damaged or worn out beyond repair.
  • Fit and Style: Keep items that fit well and match your current style. Donate or sell those that don’t.

Step 3: Categorise and Sort

Group Similar Items

Once you’ve decluttered, categorise the remaining items. Common categories include:

  • Tops (shirts, blouses, sweaters)
  • Bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts)
  • Dresses and suits
  • Outerwear (coats, jackets)
  • Shoes
  • Accessories (belts, scarves, hats)
  • Undergarments and sleepwear

Seasonal Organisation

Consider organising your wardrobe by season. Store off-season items in deep drawers or on higher shelves to keep them out of the way. This makes it easier to find what you need when you need it and keeps your everyday items accessible.