Te Rau Aroha: commemorating the Māori Battalion through architecture

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11 October 2023


6 min read

Photographer: Simon Devitt.
Photographer: Simon Devitt.
The museum, located on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, honours the contribution of Māori to their country’s involvement in many theatres of war since 1840.
The project was highly collaborative, with a lot of community involvement and input.
The project was highly collaborative, with a lot of community involvement and input.
Straight lines and a theme of geometry evokes military precision.
Straight lines and a theme of geometry evokes military precision.
The design was originally going to feature circular motifs, but this was gradually changed to more linear patterns.
The design was originally going to feature circular motifs, but this was gradually changed to more linear patterns.
The exterior of the museum.
The exterior of the museum.
The main room of the museum is intentionally dark, in acknowledgement of the seriousness of the subject matter.
The main room of the museum is intentionally dark, in acknowledgement of the seriousness of the subject matter.
The museum transitioning into the memorial section of the building - from dark to light.
The museum transitioning into the memorial section of the building - from dark to light.
The memorial room is filled with light, in celebration of the lives of the Māori Battalion and other military units.
The memorial room is filled with light, in celebration of the lives of the Māori Battalion and other military units.
The museum opened to the public on Waitangi Day 2020.
The museum opened to the public on Waitangi Day 2020.