The roofing journey of a remote beachside new build

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01 November 2022


4 min read

Dimond Roofing was approached to provide the roofing expertise and services for a high-profile, sprawling new build on a stunning Bay of Islands beachfront.

Matt Watson has had a very interesting and exciting career. It started with a stint in the roofing trade, where he learned and honed his craft. But after a few years of this, other passions began to call – he’d had a lifelong love for the sea, so he decided to hang up his roofing tools and soon became a crewman on fishing boats.

It was during his time as a crew member on a fishing boat in the Bay of Islands, that he saw a secluded beach at the end of a peninsula, surrounded by hills that protected it from prevailing winds. Matt swore it was the perfect spot to build a home – and 10 years later, he bought the land.

Construction of the Watson family home began in 2020, where Matt would soon discover the many project difficulties and delays they would face due to the impact of Covid.

The home’s construction was completed mid-2022, and includes a bar, brewery, boat shed, fillet station and various other amenities – all of which was documented and aired on TV3 in the programme Building the Kiwi Dream.

At the centre of Matt’s vision for his home was a goal for sustainability and self-sufficiency, so he chose his suppliers and building partners carefully.

Dimond Roofing: A natural fit

One company he elected to work with was Dimond Roofing, a New Zealand-owned and operated company that specialises in long run roofing, cladding, and architectural tray products across the country. The company provided all of the project’s roofing materials for both the main house and the boat shed, and was installed by one of Dimond’s preferred tray installers, Roofing Smiths in the Bay of Islands.

Dimond Roofing’s National Marketing and Channel Manager Shane Pratt says that when originally approached to be involved with the show, the prospect ‘ticked a lot of boxes’.

“We were looking for different ways that we could connect with our customers, roofers and to some extent architects, property owners and builders,” says Shane. “We saw this as an opportunity for Dimond to positively tap into this medium, helping to drive our brand presence and credibility as the best of the bunch through both television and social media on a national scale.”

Shane says the project was also especially valuable as a showcase of Dimond’s sustainability principles.

“There were multiple reasons why we got involved with the project, but one of the primary ones was Matt’s focus on sustainability,” he says. “For example there are two buildings on the site, his house and his boat shed. His boat shed is covered with solar panelling, so he’d be generating his own electricity.”

The Dimond Roofing products used for the home's roof and cladding went through rigorous sustainability measures before installation. This was all done through the company’s steadfast commitment that all of its suppliers meet these environmental credentials.

“It’s a side of the business that is very important to us,” says Shane. “And because of that, and Matt’s broad view of sustainability, the partnership ended up working really well.”

Overcoming the challenges of an isolated site

Due to the secluded, isolated location of the site – which was near a small, remote beach in the Bay of Islands – the project did not come without its challenges. But Shane says his team relished the opportunity to tackle the associated logistical issues.

“We were restricted to what length of roofing we could deliver to the site, and because of the size of what we needed to roof the house it meant we needed to roll-form our roofing on-site. And to do that, we needed to bring a mobile roll-former on-site, which was sitting right on the beach. So it was a pleasant workspace to be in, in that regard.

“Overall it was a huge logistical challenge, and we really had to work as a team to make it work,” he says. “Seeing the mobile roll-former sitting on this beautiful site near the beach was one of the most unusual sights that we’ve ever had – it was a really unique experience.

“The feedback we’re getting from Matt is great – he and the family are really pleased with the outcome,” Shane says. “And obviously that means a lot to us.”

Learn more about Dimond Roofing and its products and services.