The surefire signs your bathroom is in need of a renovation

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17 May 2022


5 min read

From overlooked bathtubs and dated decor to mould damage and structural issues, these are the telltale signs your bathroom is in dire need of a redo.

For many people, the mere hint that a bathroom isn’t as enjoyable to be in as it once was is reason enough to prompt an entire redo. On the other hand, there are those who won’t deign to lift a finger until the ceiling falls in. However, it’s crucial to have a bathroom that is both functional and a pleasure to use. Not only will a thoughtfully designed space make quotidian activities more enjoyable, but strategic upgrades can also improve the energy efficiency of your space.

From dated decor to leaky pipes, these are the telltale signs your bathroom requires a renovation.

Rose Bay Bathroom by Jess Thomson definitely sparks joy | Photography by Rebecca Lu

Dated decor

While leaky taps and toilets that refuse to flush are unequivocal signs your bathroom is in dire need of renovation, aesthetic considerations are just as important. Whether it’s the result of the passing years, a change in your own tastes, or your bathroom simply never suited your style, your bathroom decor failing to spark joy is a surefire sign it needs to be redone. A reconsidered colour palette can be all it takes to transform your bathroom from lacklustre to stylish. Light muted hues such as light grey, cream, and white exude timeless minimalism, however the bold at heart may wish to consider shades of pink, blue, and green. When repainting your bathroom, opt for a semi-gloss finish over a matte one for the walls and trims, as semi-gloss is easier to wipe down and also works to repel moisture.

Gaudy or old-fashioned tiling is a common prompt for a bathroom makeover, particularly in bathrooms in older houses. Nowadays, there is a multitude of beautiful tiling options to choose from. Subway tiles in differing shades are an easy way to inject colour into your bathroom, while fish scale tiles are striking in both neutral and colourful hues.

Whether it’s the result of the passing years, a change in your own tastes, or your bathroom simply never suited your style, your bathroom decor failing to spark joy is a surefire sign it needs to be redone

Bronte House by Alice Kerrison & Kate Bell is bold and contemporary | Photography by Anna Rees

Mould and moisture damage

One of the primary causes of damage in bathrooms is moisture. Crumbling grout, aging sealants, loose tiles, and an overgrowth of mould can cause leaks, undesirable smells, and noticeable dark spots around your bathroom. Mould is a health hazard and can cause allergic reactions, making it essential to deal with at first sight. Ensuring your bathroom has proper cross ventilation can prevent mould from growing in the future.

Wear and tear

If you’re experiencing issues such as leaky pipes and rusty fixtures, immediate action is necessary. Leaky pipes and fixtures contribute to water wastage and can also cause the growth of mould and mildew - not to mention causing moisture problems in rooms adjacent to or underneath the leaking bathroom in question. Call in a plumber to identify any and all leaks and to replace any ageing tapware. They will be able to advise whether a total renovation is needed, or if you can get away with waiting a few more years.

Armadale Residence by Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors has an abundance of natural light | Photography by Mark Roper
Armadale Residence by Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors has an abundance of natural light | Photography by Mark Roper

Dark and depressing

A lack of natural light caused by windows that are too small (or non-existent) is a good reason to renovate. Enlarging a window, adding a skylight, or adding a second window can give your bathroom (and your mood) a real lift. Not only that, but improving the bathroom's ventilation and airflow will ensure your new and improved space keeps mould at bay and stays in tip-top shape for many years to come.

Cramped layout

Older homes often prioritised living and entertaining spaces at the expense of service areas, translating to cramped bathrooms. If the size, layout, or structure of your bathroom makes it difficult to use, a restructure could be necessary. After all, nobody wants to trip over the toilet when exiting the shower. A strategic renovation can make more efficient use of the available space without requiring the overall bathroom size to be increased.

For many modern homeowners, the bathtub is the elephant in the room; never used and never spoken about

Neglected bathtub

For many modern homeowners, the bathtub is the elephant in the room; never used and never spoken about. If you’re more into showering than soaking, a bathtub represents much-needed space that could be freed up. A complete bathroom redo could involve removing your bathtub and installing a standalone shower or using the space for storage. Alternatively, if your lack of desire to soak in the tub stems from the bathtub in question being rusted, cracked, or grimy, simply refinishing or reglazing your bathtub can be a cost-effective solution.

The Bakery by Anna Carin Design Studio has ample storage | Photography by Justin Alexander

Lack of storage space

While it mightn’t seem like a major issue, a lack of storage space in your bathroom can become frustrating. Inadequate storage space can leave your bathroom looking cluttered and messy, or mean you need to store your towels and toiletries in another room, which can be inconvenient. Bathrooms with ample storage space are easier to navigate and look more put together and luxurious. Bathroom renovations to create more space can range from adding additional shelving units and replacing your vanity to simply installing a towel rack.

Poor energy efficiency

An important consideration that’s all too often left out of the equation when it comes to bathroom renovations is energy efficiency. An energy-efficient bathroom not only reduces your impact on the environment but also saves ongoing costs. Installing a low-flow toilet and showerhead can significantly reduce your water usage, while switching out any incandescent and halogen lightbulbs for LED varieties can reduce your energy usage. Larger scale renovations can also involve adding more insulation to walls and around water pipes; the latter prevents heat from escaping as water is transported from your water tank to taps and showerheads.

Words by Tanisha Angel