The ultimate guide to smokeless fire pits: how they work & why you need one

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18 January 2024


5 min read

In the world of outdoor entertaining, a groundbreaking solution is transforming the way we experience warmth and ambiance: smokeless fire pits. Here’s everything you need to know about integrating one into your outdoor space.

In the realm of outdoor living, a transformative solution has emerged—the smokeless fire pit. These contemporary additions not only provide the warmth and ambience we seek but also eliminate the age-old annoyances associated with traditional fire pits, such as smoke and inefficient burning. To better understand the intricacies of smokeless fire pits we spoke to Wizard Fire Pits’ Todd Wizard who shares their innovative technology, diverse benefits, fuel considerations, environmental impact, safety measures, and evolving market trends.

Unveiling the technology behind smokeless fire pits

At the core of the smokeless fire pit lies a fundamental departure from the traditional model. Unlike their counterparts, they prioritise efficient burning and improved airflow. 

“This is achieved thanks to the design of the double-walled fire pit,” shares Wizard. “The air between the metal is heated to 500°C and this super-heated air shoots out the holes at the top of the fire pit and burns off the excess smoke.”

This design facilitates secondary combustion—a process where emitted gases above the wood are burnt off. The result? Excess smoke is eliminated, creating a clean and enjoyable fire experience.

In an era where environmental considerations are paramount, the efficient combustion process is another key benefit, resulting in reduced emissions, and offering a lower environmental impact compared to traditional fire pits. The ability to utilise cleaner-burning fuels further supports their eco-friendly credentials.

Elevating the outdoor experience

Picture this: a cosy evening around the fire, but without the perpetual battle against smoke wafting into your eyes. 

“With a Wizard Smokeless Fire Pit, you will not be bothered by smoke getting in your eyes or needing to play musical chairs to dodge the smoke, nor will all your clothes stink like a campfire – compared to when you used a traditional fire pit,” says Wizard.

The absence of smoke transforms the ambiance, making gatherings around the fire more comfortable, social, and thoroughly enjoyable.

Aesthetically, a smokeless outdoor fire pit can elevate any outdoor setting, mirroring the functionality of traditional fire pits but without the discomfort. Whether in a spacious backyard or a cosy courtyard, smokeless fire pits can provide a consistent and enjoyable experience across  any outdoor environment.

Choosing the right fuel for optimal performance

The type of fuel used can significantly impact the performance of a smokeless fire pit. Kiln-dried hardwoods such as manuka, gum, and wattle are highly recommended due to their low moisture content. Additionally, quality macrocarpa and pine are suitable alternatives.

“Dry wood not only produces less smoke in the first place but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the fire pit.”

For added convenience, wood pellets from local hardwood stores can be utilised, providing users with a diverse range of options.

While the allure of a smokeless fire pit is undeniable, safety considerations should not be overlooked.

“Smokeless fire pits should be treated just like a regular fire pit when it comes to safety; they must be treated like an open fire,” warns Wizard.

While these innovative pits don't demand specific maintenance, using a weatherproof cover is recommended to maximise their lifespan and ensure continued safety.

Market evolution & emerging trends

The rise of smokeless fire pits is not just a local phenomenon; it's a global shift in outdoor heating preferences. In New Zealand, they have swiftly become the gold standard for personal fire pits. 

Users, given the choice between a smoky fire pit and a smokeless alternative, are increasingly opting for smokeless. 

“If you have the option to choose between a smokey fire pit and a smokeless fire pit, wouldn’t you always choose the latter? Kiwis love hanging out around a fire whether it is summer or winter and smokeless fire pits are set to become the standard for outdoor warmth.”

This trend suggests a growing appreciation for the benefits that smokeless fire pits bring to outdoor living.

Advice for first-time buyers

Considering a smokeless fire pit for the first time? It's not merely a purchase; it's an upgrade to your outdoor entertainment experience, says Wizard.

“It will provide an environment to make moments with friends and family that will etch into your memory forever – it’s an opportunity for laughter and connection, or a place to share stories under a starlit sky with the crackling sound of a flame.”

But the real test of any innovation lies in the user experience. Success stories and testimonials from Wizard Smokeless Fire Pits’ users echo the sentiment of a transformative outdoor experience. Here’s what one client had to say:

“Brilliantly designed and a well built product; can’t believe we struggled with a chiminea which made a huge mess and smoked us out. The Wizard is great and we now look forward to firing it up: low fuss, no mess, great heat, easy clean, low maintenance, durable – can’t fault it!”

In the realm of outdoor living, smokeless fire pits have proved themselves as a symbol of innovation and progress. They represent not just a functional upgrade but a paradigm shift towards a cleaner, more enjoyable outdoor experience. With advanced technology, diverse fuel options, and positive environmental impacts, smokeless fire pits are set to become the standard for outdoor warmth and entertainment. 

Explore fire pits from Wizard Outdoor Fire Pits