Three Tips for Great Shopfitting Northland

12 August 2020


2 min read


1. Bring in the Light

Letting in a lot of natural light increases productivity, energy and creativity.

It’s unrealistic to assume every office can knock out a few more spots for windows and skylights. You can work with the light you already have by employing professionals to do your shopfitting Northland-wide. Next Edition Kitchens can design your office layout to maximise the use of your space.

It also helps to ensure all the windows and skylights are cleaned regularly for maximum light intake.

If natural light just isn’t a possibility for you, it’s better to opt for indirect light. Indirect light bounces off the ceiling or wall and it’s more soothing and calming than light that shines directly on employees.

2. Ditch the Open Plan
Despite popular belief, open plan offices can actually be distracting to workers. The lack of privacy and noise is a huge factor.

If you need proof, just walk through every open plan office and count the pairs of headphones. Hardly anyone collaborates because it’s intimidating to talk to someone else when the whole office can hear your conversation.

If you must have an open floor plan, make sure there are plenty of private nooks or conference rooms available for people who want to have small meetings or to make a phone call but don’t want everyone in the office to hear them.

Three Tips for Great Shopfitting Northland

3. Stand up for Yourselves

Even the most well-designed office will make employees unproductive if they feel chained to their desks. Make sure that employees have the space to get up and take a walk occasionally, or maybe a lounge area where they can get a little work done without sitting in the same place all day.

An office environment goes beyond good design; it comes down to culture, in addition to whether or not your employees feel comfortable taking a 20-minute break to walk around for a mid-afternoon recharge.