‘Tis the season… for updating your interiors

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08 December 2020


4 min read

After a year of lockdowns and restrictions, Resene experts are predicting a resurgence in colours and textures within our homes over the next 12 months.

Being forced to spend prolonged periods in our homes this year has highlighted to many of us how we, as families, interact with our living environments and has, in some cases, underscored any shortcomings—and, conversely, any strong points—our homes may have.

Resene Colour Expert, Rebecca Long has definitely noticed that homeowners are falling into one of these two categories.

“I’m finding that clients have either found a new appreciation for their home or that they’re ready to completely change it. Either way, we’re certainly thinking about our homes a lot more and spending more time decorating them, even if it’s in small, personal ways rather than wholesale changes.”

Rebecca says, perhaps unsurprisingly, that homeowners have been turning to nature for a little nurture this year.

Bring a touch of the outdoors, in

“Nature is always a huge source of inspiration when we design our homes. With our fast-paced lives increasing and more time being spent indoors we’re seeking more connection from nature. A great way of doing this is through colour. Colour is an incredibly transformative tool and allows us to create a sanctuary within our own homes.

“It’s always important to consider how a colour is going to be used. I don’t believe there are any colours that you should avoid completely—just make sure you’re using them appropriately. For example, a yellow such as Resene Turbo can add a huge burst of joy to a front door and bring energy to areas such as hallways but will be hard on the eyes if painted on the wall behind a TV.”

Likewise, the restriction on international travel has meant that people have turned to more creative ways of bringing a touch of their favourite destinations home. It’s also made us look at our own country in a new light.

“We’re always inspired by international trends and our access to international design trends is continuing to grow. Colourful objets d’art that reference places such as the Amalfi Coast or other exotic lands are a great way of adding personality to an interior—and can be a great family activity that involves everyone.

Home is where the heart is… finding inspiration in New Zealand

“There is certainly a lot of inspiration to be found in our own backyard as well though and it’s great to see New Zealanders supporting and celebrating local products and designers.

“Also, it’s not just places but also periods that are providing inspiration. We’ve been noticing a design nod to the ‘70s and ‘80s with rattan, warm timbers and mustards such as Resene Thumbs Up becoming increasingly popular.”

Other colours that have proven popular this year include biscuit and beige hues (Resene Rickshaw, Resene Sour Dough), smoked taupes (Resene Zorba, Resene Perfect Taupe) and deep emeralds (Resene Atlas, Resene Green Meets Blue). Rebecca says these colours are being teamed with raw, natural timbers; sleek, black steel; smoked bronzes and golds and clear and opalescent glass.

Similarly, in keeping with the nod to the past, people are also adding further personality to their homes and are finding inspiration via bold patterns, decorative textures and statement colours—both in wallpapers and paints.

Fashion forward… looking ahead to 2021

“In the next 12 months, texture is going to be the big star and we’re predicting effects such as tonal colour washing (Resene Paint Effects Medium), heavy rust (Resene FX Rust Effect) and super-fine sand textures (Resene Sandtex) will find their way into people’s homes in bold and exciting ways.

“The one piece of advice I would give to someone wanting to make changes to their home decor but may not be confident to consider a full makeover, is to start small and build your confidence. It’s amazing how much of a statement a freshly painted planter, a new front door or a feature colour behind your bed can make.”

Learn more about incorporating colour and texture into your next interior project.