Unlocking the Value of Feasibility Report

Written by

The Designfire

18 September 2023


3 min read


An Expert Opinion Before You Begin

Have you ever sought the expertise of a mechanic before purchasing a car? Or consulted an accountant and a lawyer before buying a business? Similarly, when embarking on a renovation, alteration, or property development, an expert's guidance should be sought as early as possible. This not only guarantees that your venture is safe and compliant but also viable. The ideal starting point is a feasibility report. This report either gives you the green light or directs you back to the planning phase, ensuring that when your project kicks off, it's built on solid ground.

Feasibility Report: A Crucial Step

So, what exactly is a feasibility report? It is essentially a preliminary compliance evaluation of the proposed construction work you’re about to undertake, be it commercial or residential. This assessment dives deep into the viability of the construction, estimating consulting time, potential costs, and identifying any compliance risks or limitations. With so many interpretations of what a feasibility report encompasses, it's easy to dismiss it as an unnecessary extra step. However, THE DESIGNFIRE is now bridging this gap by offering a professionally crafted feasibility report at no charge, aiding you in the foundational stages of property development.

Understanding Costs and Ensuring Compliance

A feasibility report provides an overarching view of your project. It takes into account the layout you wish to accomplish, functional requirements, necessary placements like fire exits, and potential additions like balconies that might require additional building consent. If certain aspects of your plan aren’t viable due to restrictions, alternatives that align with the property's location, its intended use, and your vision will be suggested. While this is not a complete architectural blueprint, it provides early insights, allowing for significant time and cost savings. THE DESIGNFIRE's feasibility report can either fortify your project's foundation or guide you away from potentially unprofitable ventures, ensuring you're informed at the earliest stage.

Demystifying Cost Projections

Every construction site is unique, governed by its specific codes and restrictions. By understanding factors like zone, overlays, and designations, your feasibility report provides a roadmap, ensuring your project aligns with various regulations.

In addition to that, one of the most daunting aspects of any project is the financial implication. While THE DESIGNFIRE's complimentary feasibility report offers a foundational understanding, for a more granular perspective, a paid, in-depth analysis might be warranted.

 With THE DESIGNFIRE's expertise, you'll be equipped with a report that not only reveals the intricacies of your site but also ensures your project's sustainability and compliance. Our goal is to equip you with knowledge, pre-empt challenges, and set your project on the path to success.

For more details and insights, check out our post on Why is a feasibility report important? in our blog