What comes first – land, finance or an architect?

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24 October 2022


3 min read

Securing land, an architect to design your home and finance to fund the project are the key components of building a home, but what comes first?

Building your own home is a rewarding yet complicated experience. While a bespoke house design built upon the land of your choosing is a dream come true for many, working through the endless to-do list of tasks, documentation, trades and other essential services can overwhelm even a seasoned home builder. So, what should you work to secure first: finance, land or an architect?

Kirra Gardens by Nanami Studio

First: Secure finance

Generally speaking, securing finance to fund the build of your project is the first step. This way you will know how much money you can borrow and what budget you have to work towards. Thorough financial planning is the key to a successful project as it will ensure both you and your architect have clear and realistic expectations about what can be achieved under your circumstances. When dealing with a financial lender it’s important to factor in lender fees, duty, taxes, legal and moving costs.

Home loan tips

  • Get the shortest loan term you can afford
  • Aim for the lowest interest rate possible
  • Check the cost of extra mortgage features

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Riverstone by Cumulus | Photography by Anjie Blair

Second: Purchase land

In Australia, the housing markets are very long and land titling can take up to 12 – or even 18 – months after purchasing. With that in mind, it’s best to secure yourself a piece of land shortly after securing your finances. By doing this, your architect will be able to develop house plans that respond directly to the slope, size of block, orientation and landscape of your land. This is arguably easier than trying to find a block of land in your preferred suburb to suit your house design. Buying land first means you can approach your builder and architect from an informed position, and hire professionals who are accustomed to building upon land of your type and condition.

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Kew East House by JOST Architects | Photography Shani Hodson

Third: Choose an architect and/or builder

Choosing the right architect and/or builder for your project is integral to the success of your home, and as such, doing your homework on the design professionals and builders who specialise in your desired architectural style and design ethos is paramount. Look for an architect who has designed properties similar to the style you wish to achieve with your own build, and look into their approaches towards sustainability and eco-friendly residential design. It’s also important to double-check that your architect has all relevant insurance, registrations and accreditations.

Read now: Why you should hire an architect for your next project 

Choosing a builder for your project requires a similar method of approach. Look for someone who has constructed a building similar to your plans before, or who has worked with your chosen architect previously. Do a deep dive into your builder’s history to ensure they have a solid and satisfied customer base, good industry reviews, that they have all relevant licenses, registrations and insurances for your state, and whether or not they offer warranties and after-sale services.

Learn more about building your dream home on ArchiPro.