What is the best heated towel rail?

Written by

Bathroom Butler

15 November 2021


3 min read

What makes a good towel rail? Is it the design? The functionality? What is it made of? Or how much electricity it uses? We answer your questions and help you decide what heated towel rail is best.

The world of heated towel rails can be confusing. As the demand for these smart towel rails heats up, so does the variety of them on offer increase and customers become confused as to which one to buy.

The question you should ask yourself is: What makes a good towel rail? Is it the design? The number of towels it dries? The functionality? What is it made of? Or how much electricity it uses? Well, it’s all of these. Let’s take a look at the most popular types of heated towel rails on offer and help you decide which one is best.

The cheap and nasty

Beware of cheap substitutes and knock offs. We’re nice so we will not name and shame.

It is important to research the materials used (inferior models tend to be manufactured from either chrome plated mild steel, powder coated mild steel or low grade stainless steel), if the heating technology is reliable, and if there are built in controllers (imperative that a heating device allows you to adjust the temperature!)

As they say, you get what you pay for.

The white elephant

Paperclips, snakes, ladders, hangers, donuts. These are just some of the current design inspirations for the new wave of heated towel rails. Such fun to look at, but are they practical?

You’d be surprised at how much engineering and design goes into a heated towel rail that is beautiful to look at and really does the job it’s intended for – to dry your towels and stop bacterial growth while adding a touch of warmth.

The problem with so-called designer heated towel rails is not only their hefty price, they’re often made purely with aesthetics in mind. Some are made of aluminum that doesn’t retain heat for long, or will be chrome-plated and rust before you’ve paid off the heated towel rail.

The best of the best

You want Grade 304 stainless steel. Why? It’s incredibly rust-resistant and, being non-porous, no bacteria can stick to it. All it requires is a quick wipe to achieve a gorgeous-looking gleam – no special products as we’ve seen recommended for other brands.

When you invest in a heated towel rail, you’re going to want a product warranty and good after-sale service. That’s what we bring. 15 years guarantee on the product material, 10 years on the heating element and 1 year on the PTSelect controller. A final feather in our cap: our heated towel rails are assembled via a unique ‘no welding’ patented construction method that makes them fully serviceable.

Ready, set, buy

Having been in the business for decades, and seeing fads and inferior products come and go, we’re confident that our heated towel rails are the best. They’re borne out of years of thoughtful design, care and engineering with you – the discerning buyer who values quality – in mind.