Why you need a Heated Towel Rail In summer

Written by

Bathroom Butler

15 November 2021


4 min read

It often comes as a surprise to learn that heated towel rails are equally useful in summer – if not more. Summer is exceptionally heavy on towel use. Just think of all the activities you are going to get up to that necessitate packing a towel or two, not to mention shower more than once a day on those super hot and sticky days.

When thinking about heated towel rails most people think it’s an excellent idea in cold and wet winters when you want dry towels around the clock. They’re right, there’s nothing like dry towels on demand, especially ones that comfort you with a touch of warmth.

So it often comes as a surprise to those who’ve never owned one that heated towel rails are equally useful in summer – if not more. Summer is exceptionally heavy on towel use. Just think of all the activities you are going to get up to that necessitate packing a towel or two, not to mention shower more than once a day on those super hot and sticky days.


Everyone’s going to get dirty and wet

Summer means you and the kids are going to spend lots of time outdoors getting wet, getting dirty, and having lots of (messy) fun. Think watersports, boating, running under the sprinkler, mud play, days by the pool or beach, midnight dipping or cool tubbing.

Schools and colleges also up their water sports activities in summer and gyms are overflowing with people trying to stay in shape. This means there is a double load of towels in circulation at any given time. With a heated towel rail in the bathroom, laundry room, mud room, or pool or lake house, you can easily, quickly and cheaply dry damp towels in a matter of hours so they’re ready for the next round.

During summer holidays family or friends from afar like to pop by for a week or two or, horrors, sometimes three. With a heated towel rail to dry all your towels, you don’t need to fork out for extra sets just to please Uncle Bob and his new wife.

Busy little businesses with demanding guests

Maybe you offer homestays or vacation rentals, or run a small boutique guesthouse or hotel. Either way, as bookings increase during the summer months, you’re going to have to do quite a bit of laundry to keep all those guest towels fresh and dry.

Clean, dry towels are at the top of the list for most guests, and generally hotels replace them every three days, or sooner if the guests request it. By installing heated towel rails to dry towels between uses – a must in summer when towel use goes up – it helps save on laundry costs, including detergent, water, energy and labor, which are some of a hotel’s largest expenses!

Tech-focused hotel chain Yotel includes heated towel rails in all their bathroom designs, having found that guests appreciate the luxury and are incentivized to reuse their towels more often. You can do the same at your beloved Airbnb abode.

NATURAL 15 Bar 500mm heated towel rail with PTSelect Switch (US model shown here - square cover plate)

When it’s hot and sticky outside

Do you live in a really humid state, where everything takes twice as long to dry (Sunshine Coast, is that you?!)? Then you’ll be familiar with the smell of musty towels and the sound of washing machines and tumble dryers running around the clock. While humidity in some places can reach 70% and more during the year, most areas are prone to high humidity in summer. 

Now for the bad news: as soon as humidity hits 55%, mold starts growing and leaving your towels to dry overnight will be a futile exercise as they’ll still be damp and musty the next morning.

CR (Current Results - weather & science facts) has daily stats that shows which areas are likely to experience higher humidity in summer. If you see your town there, pop down to a hardware store and get yourself a hygrometer to measure the humidity in or outside your home. If it tops 55% in summer, we have a heated towel rail for you.