Works of art: how these bespoke New Zealand rug makers turn artwork into rugs

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26 May 2024


5 min read

Collaborating with artists from all over the world, HANRAD is bringing artwork to the home in a whole new way.

With a love for art and handcrafted textiles, HANRAD founder Barry Radford wanted to find a way to create bespoke rugs based on artwork — blending his two passions, art and craftsmanship, in one seamless project. From the beginning, each HANRAD rug has been infused with this deep appreciation for contemporary art and the desire to translate its essence into a beautifully handcrafted rug.

“Our love of art has inspired many of our custom rug designs,” Barry Radford explains. 

“As we identify new contemporary artworks that we believe will translate into wonderful handmade rugs, the collection continues to grow. Collaborating with the artist, we create exceptional rugs that not only replicate the design but also capture the essence of the original art.”

All HANRAD rugs are bespoke, made specifically for an individual client in the design, colour, size, and material that best suits their needs. To understand this fascinating process, ArchiPro caught up with Barry Radford for a conversation on artwork selection, rug making, and more. 

“As we identify new contemporary artworks that we believe will translate into wonderful handmade rugs, the collection continues to grow. Collaborating with the artist, we create exceptional rugs that not only replicate the design but also capture the essence of the original art.”

The making of HANRAD art rugs

Turning a work of art into a rug design is a collaborative process between HANRAD and the original artist. 

“Once I have identified an artist’s work that I believe will translate into a unique art rug, I will arrange a meeting with the artist to discuss the potential of collaboration,” Radford says.

“When an artist sees examples from our art rug collections and the artworks they are based on, they become very excited about the potential collaboration”.

Making custom rugs based on art, is not just about transferring an image of the work onto the rug. Reinterpreting the artwork to fit the new medium requires careful thought. In Radford’s words, “It’s all about capturing the essence of the artwork; the movement, energy, and dynamism of the work.”

“Collaborating with artists demands a high level of trust. They entrust us with their vision, expecting us to maintain its authenticity while adapting it to a new medium. This process adds an intriguing layer to the design, enriching it with the unique qualities of rug-making”.

"Hand tufting provides the flexibility to tuft in any direction, enabling us to capture the dynamism and energy of the original artwork. When artists employ bold brushstrokes in their art, we can mimic those movements, replicating the dynamic essence of the original work."
"Hand tufting provides the flexibility to tuft in any direction, enabling us to capture the dynamism and energy of the original artwork. When artists employ bold brushstrokes in their art, we can mimic those movements, replicating the dynamic essence of the original work."
“Depending on the design elements, we may utilise an electric hand shear for rugs with multiple pile heights or an orbital trimmer for those with a uniform pile height."
“Depending on the design elements, we may utilise an electric hand shear for rugs with multiple pile heights or an orbital trimmer for those with a uniform pile height."

Radford's love for contemporary abstract art naturally draws him to works in that realm. It's this affinity that drives his choice of the hand-tufted method for crafting HANRAD rugs. 

"Hand tufting provides the flexibility to tuft in any direction, enabling us to capture the dynamism and energy of the original artwork," he explains. "When artists employ bold brushstrokes in their art, we can mimic those movements, replicating the dynamic essence of the original work."

Once an artwork is chosen as the basis for an art rug design, the HANRAD team carefully analyses it to identify the manufacturing options that can be incorporated into the finished design. 

Using a digital format of the artwork, they pinpoint technical details such as colours, yarns, tufting techniques, pile heights, and trimming specifics. Then, they meticulously select colours and yarns, with New Zealand wool being their material of choice. Each hank of yarn is batch-dyed to the exact specifications outlined by the designers. This colour selection and mixing process is critical and demands years of expertise to master, which is why the HANRAD art rug tufters boast at least a decade of experience and excel in precise colour matching to ensure that each rug is a true masterpiece.

"We never restrict the number of colours used in our art rugs. In fact, one of our creations boasts an impressive 40 colours!"

“At HANRAD, we believe in unlimited creativity. We never restrict the number of colours used in our art rugs. In fact, one of our creations boasts an impressive 40 colours! By skilfully blending these hues, we unlock countless unique colour combinations that contribute to the distinctive effects we're renowned for.”

Ensuring precision in the rug-making process, the skilled sketchers meticulously transfer the design onto the backing cloth. This step is crucial, as it requires careful attention to detail to capture all technical aspects of the design accurately.

Once the design is sketched onto the backing cloth, it is mounted on the tufting frame, ready for the tufter to begin their work. The tufter is equipped with images of the original artwork, serving as a reference point to select yarns that faithfully replicate the colours and movements depicted in different areas of the design. This collaborative approach ensures that each rug reflects the essence of the original artwork with accuracy. 

In the final step of the process, the artisans meticulously hand-trim the surface of the rug to ensure an impeccable finish. 

“Depending on the design elements, we may utilise an electric hand shear for rugs with multiple pile heights or an orbital trimmer for those with a uniform pile height. After this precision trimming, each rug undergoes careful hand-finishing with a pair of scissors. Finally, the rug receives a thorough vacuuming and meticulous preparation prior to packaging”.

HANRAD takes great pride in the uniqueness of every art rug they create. Each rug is a testament to the expertise of their artisans, with every aspect of the process meticulously executed to perfection.

"Even down to the mixing of the colours and yarn types, which will always differ slightly between each rug, no two rugs are ever the same," Radford emphasises.

This dedication to craftsmanship ensures that every HANRAD art rug is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, reflecting the distinctiveness of the original artwork.

Learn more about HANRAD.