Our lightweight Board Form Concrete Veneer is a high-performing, versatile product ideal for internal and external applications, in both residential and commercial settings. It looks like real concrete because it is real concrete, with added benefits.

Our Concrete Veneer panels are durable, strong, and low maintenance, offering warmth and raw, natural beauty.

  • Category
    Concrete Cladding, Wall Panels & Cladding
  • Range
    Concrete Veneer
  • Country of origin
  • Type of use
    Commercial and Residential


  • 1800 x 150mm
  • 12-15mm thick
  • 0.75m2 per panel
  • 1.33 pieces per m2

Weight: approx 20-25kg per m2

Scope of use

Where can you use concrete veneer?

The concrete veneer is suitable for a wide variety of end uses, including:

  • Interior walls
  • Exterior walls
  • Fireplaces
  • Feature walls
  • Splashbacks
  • Showers.

Durable, strong, low maintenance, with warmth and raw natural beauty. 


Why choose concrete veneer?

Select concrete veneer for your next building project and enjoy many advantages:

  • Time and money saving – it’s easy to install with no complicated fasteners, clipping systems, or specialty tools required for installation.
  • Unique designs – every piece is an original, so there is no repeat pattern
  • Durable and low maintenance
  • Versatile – is well suited to both residential and commercial uses
  • Consistent quality and finish
  • No need for additional foundation support
  • Room for installation
  • Fire resistant - it’s non-combustible.
Robertson's Building Products
Cremorne, Victoria
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About the

A building products innovator, Robertson's Building Products provides innovative, customised wall and floor solutions to help architects, designers, builders and homeowners transform their visions into practical, high quality, award-winning designs, and leading edge projects in their field.

What sets us apart is the unique nature, breadth and quality of the products we supply, their flexibility to adapt to your project’s requirements, and the personalised service and proven expertise we bring to develop the best solution for you.

Our unique clay, glass and stone bricks and brick facing tiles and brick slips will enrich and invigorate your projects with their unconventional and contrasting textures, and their countless special colours and sizes, helping you to achieve state of the art designs. Using our products, your project won’t look like anything else on the street, but will become the leader others seek to follow.

And, our product range keeps growing. We’re continuously developing existing products and sourcing new bricks and thin brick tiles, both locally and internationally.

Just think of Robertson's Building Products as your partner in design: our approach is collaborative, considered and open, driven by a love of good design. We listen carefully, understand your needs and use our proven industry expertise to make it easy for you to find the best solution.

Robertson's Building Products
Board Form Concrete VeneerRobertson's Building Products